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Podcast Marketing How Cleverly Are You Deploying This Ultimate Marketing Strategy
Every day begins and concludes with the same question. Our clients and prospects ask us "How do I increase the size of my business while capturing my fair market share?" Our answer is rather simple "Build your own base of prospects and work that pipeline relentlessly and efficiently."
One tip I'm going to give you when you I share my short synopsis with you now, discover how to become an effective PodCaster as you watch your bottom-line rise to the sky!

Over the past 10 years in the last decade, the Internet has provided a number of innovative marketing channels. From the successful ezine publishing and distribution straight through to more powerful search engine optimization practices.

As a television and radio broadcaster/marketing consultant, I have had the sincere pleasure of understanding just how important both the radio and television marketing methods are to businesses and individuals in getting the word out to their prospective audience.

Our radio show on the internet, Net Talk Radio has been received well by listeners and advertisers alike. I think I've known that as time passed, increasing connections speeds and portable handheld devices would allow for a more expansive target audience reach.

The day has finally come!

While we first began using our online radio format some time ago, we're being able to make it more enjoyable by allowing our listeners virtually download our program (information or entertainment) right into the iPod and iRiver devices. Now our audience can listen whenever and wherever "they" want to. As an added benefit for us as well as our valuable advertisers, we track every single hit (listener) around the clock for the cost of one cup of coffee! We accomplish this using one of the most advanced audio/blogging technology, commonly referred to as "PodCasting".

PodCast Marketing: *Anyone is able to do this!

First, what is podcasting?

Podcasting is a concept that came up as a novel way to describe the technology that is used to distribute (share) audio content on web sites to the users (clients) of that content. They typically listen to it on an iPod (hence the name "pod") or any other type of .mp3 player (iRiver) at their command as well as their convenience and control.

PodCasting is a bit like the idea of time-shifted video devices and software like TiVo that let you enjoy what you want when you want it by simply recording and storing videos, except that PodCasting is mostly used for audio to date. (Universal media deployment likely just around the corner.) With that stated I should be clear that this new and easy-to-use technology is able for pushing (deploy) any type of file , including images (images) as well as video, software updates, or text.

PodCasting uses an XML-based technology called RSS (Real Simple Syndication). Content publishers (PodCasters) present new content in An XML RSS file which includes dates as well as descriptions, titles and hyperlinks to the .mp3 files. This "automatically" generated file is often referred to as RSS feed. RSS feed. Dave Winer is considered by many as the founder of RSS and also a pioneer in the world of applied XML. The component to making PodCasting function with RSS includes "enclosures" (remember that term) an element that is used in RSS 2.0.

As a consumer or end-user, you simply run the "aggregator" (remember this word and also) program like Adam Curry's iPodder from MTV on your personal computer which lets you easily subscribe to RSS feeds. Applications like Adam's operate by schedule or by random design, download the RSS files, and check to see if any fresh content is available. If new content exists then the audio files will be automatically downloaded and placed in a folder (of your preference) within your system's disk or directly routed to your MP3 player.

I added an asterisk mentioned above to create a very honest and often painful-to-some disclaimer. When I said that "Anyone could do this" it is better to accurately state, "Anyone that properly learns (from an experienced professional) and then implements their own PodCast process can take advantage of larger numbers by developing the and nurturing of their own emerging community. As an online business owner this is a huge benefit and must be done! This solution for marketing will not only ensure your financial stability but it could also make you become a "STAR"!

Incorporating The PodCast Magic Into Your Arsenal

Here now is a list of things you can do to prepare to present your very first PodCast presentation.

1. Do some research on the PodCast component.

Find out the specifics of what PodCasting is about and how it functions. I recommend visiting and typing, "PodCast Radio" into the search field.

2. Physically search for only the True Professionals

Make a list of PodCasters who can be trusted to know what they're doing. Align your yourself with only the top. From this list, call them on the phone and listen to your brain(s). If you are unable to locate an actual telephonic point of contact, I strongly recommend you to wipe them from your list. You want to be doing business with businesses that believe in "touching" their target market by providing more personalization and intimacy instead of just sending an email. Keep in mind that you're searching for a friend. A mentor. Not necessarily someone who is willing to take your money and be off. A strong relationship (friendship) is your goal here.

3. Discover Your Passion

What is your passion that you share with others? What is the real value your viewers gain from you? Who are your ideal customers? Know Your "WHY"!

4. Develop Your Plan & Work Your Process

What do you need to be able to learn? What do you have to do? What date do you have to be prepared for? Who will give you the necessary support to implement your plan. What equipment will you need?

5. Start Your Podcast!

As you begin your "new-to-you" adventure, don't expect total perfection on day one. Be kind to yourself and accept that you will evolve. All of us started at starting from the same place. podcasts sure you've seen my first radio air-check in my debut radio show at Bakersfield, California. I sounded like the bumbling knucklehead. :-) The right amount of practice and desire can make you nearly perfect, but do be fair with you and allow yourself the time to improve.

Listen to other Pro-PodCasters. Listen to your local radio stations. Read books and articles like this on a regular basis. (I do this every day!)

6. Finally... There are no excuses!

If you "really" desire to crank up the heat on your marketing campaigns, then PodCasting gives you the significant marketing advantage.

Do you know this...

Others will talk about it, but never make their decision.

You, on the other hand, will except no excuses, and begin going on your first PodCast immediately! (At the very least ensure that you move PodCasting towards the top of "TO-DO" lists!

In closing today...

I have illustrated only the essentials is required to know before you embark on your PodCast initiative full-force. Make sure you identify and test all the angles of marketing when it comes to producing an on-going profitable PodCast production that you want the world to hear and listen!

Thank you for your support!

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Regards; Team

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