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"IT'S ALMOST 8:00!" Loid noises got closer, thumping, loud footsteps, distorted roaring and screaming.

"Which one of us has the red key?!" A tall girl with platinum blonde hair looked around quickly at everyone standing before her.

"Not me or Zane, we were together the whole time, none of us found it," a short girl with burgundy short hair put into a messy bun quickly spoke.

She then turned to look at someone else, "Blaze?"

A guy slightly taller than her with chestnut brown hair slowly shook his head, "Amelia, you sure you didn't see it?"

The girl with platinum blonde hair quickly shook her head, "I didn't find it anywhere..."

Banging was heard on the locked door, Zane turned to look at it, "EVERYONE! BLOCK THE ENTRANCE- QUICK!"

The two girls worked together to pull a heavy table over to the door, and the guys carried the couch over to it, banging on the door got louder, "We need more stuff!"

"We have to get out of here, it's the only way we'll get the key and-"

"AND WHAT? Eliza- we've been trying for days, we know what's out there, if we leave we'll just die.. sure- we can try to escape, but escape to where? Our deaths?"

"Well we can't exactly stay still, okay? Zane I have been trying, every day, to get out of here, you don't even care anymore-"

"I do! That's why I'm pointing out, if we go out there we'll die-"

"How would you know?"

Amelia stood between them, "SHUT UP!" There was a long pause of silence, "...I know you guys are... angry... scared too... probably... but so are me and Blaze, and we're not complaining..."

She sighed, "Let's just give up for now... it's almost time to leave anyways," Eliza looked down at the ground, "I'm sorry... I just.. wish this nightmare would end.."

"We all do... okay? But fighting won't get us anywhere- Eliza- Zane has been trying so hard to keep us from dying, he's right- we might die out there..."

Eliza crossed her arms annoyed, "But Zane," Amelia turned to look at him, "Eliza's not wrong, we have to leave some day, I refuse to spend my nights suffering, here... in this nightmare.."

Blade fought the silence, "Let's just forget about it, Amelia, what time is it?"

She checked her watch before stating, "Oh, almost time, it's seven fift-"


An annoying alarm clock went off, Amelia woke up, she read the numbers, '8:00'.

She sighed, 'time for school', she thought.


"Okay class, today we'll learn about..." Mr. Brown's voice trailed off, for the four students didn't care to listen, they passed knowing glances around the room, Amelia nodded, and they focused their attention back on the lesson...

Zane couldn't focus though, not after the argument, he kept thinking that there had to be something out there... those things that followed them, he never really saw them, not too well at least.

In fact, none of them saw them many times, they'd run away from any sound, at this point, they'd made up codes, and knew what to say in certain situations to know the difference between the terrifying monsters, and each other.

Zane was the one who'd gotten the closest to one, it was dark, like a shadow, no- scratch that- it basically was a shadow, you'd only see it in the light.

It was eight feet tall or so, very- and I mean VERY skinny, long arms that went past it's waist, to it's knees, if it had knees, only three fingers on each hand as well as three toes on each feet of its long legs, and a terrifying smile that could be seen even in the darkest corner of the house.

You could tell it had shark teeth, you know what- no- not even teeth, blades almost, it seemed so... surreal, seeing something so terrifying... so close.

The worst part was it's voice, it didn't even have one, when it spoke, it's mouth didn't open, its head flung back and it let out a distorted roar, as if it called the others, as if it was saying, "I found them."

Would there be more of them? Out there I mean... when they finally leave... will they follow? Or will they simply reunite with others out there?


How did... how did this even start again?
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