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Healthy Life Tips - How to Lead a Happy Healthy Life
A stress free and positive lifestyle is dependent on numerous factors. If you adopt these simple self help tips and techniques, you can live a healthy and happy quality life.
1. Think Positive: A cheerful positive outlook on life is an important factor for good healthy living. Stay in the company of positive thinkers. Self-help books like "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrnes and "Stretch Yourself" by Vickrant Mahajan guide you with invaluable tips to generate good thoughts and make a positive proactive difference in your life.
2. Healthy Diet: Good nutrition means eating wholesome foods such as whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, milk and milk products. Restrict the intake of ready-to-eat foods as they are oftentimes high in sodium, fat and even sugar. Limit intake of high fat, high sugar foods. Always make sure that you do not skip any meals, especially breakfast.
3. Regular Exercise: You can incorporate exercise in your daily life with simple techniques to add more activity to your life. Start walking, play the frisbee, toss a ball to your dog, jog, play squash, swim. Usually people are too lazy to start. It is a good idea to involve your family members, your pet or your friends in your fitness plan to make exercise, a fun activity. Think and plan ways to get moving!
4. Cut down stress: If you find your temper rising, count from 1 to 10 slowly in the mind to distract yourself from disturbing situations and better mind management. Avoid people who give you stress and stressful situations whenever possible.
5. Socialize: Family and friends provide physical support in times of need, such as help with running errands, cooking, cleaning and offer a close knit sense of belonging. This feeling gives a strong sense of personal identity, prevents loneliness, help overcome anxiety and depression.
6. Sleep: A good 7-10 hours of continuous undisturbed sleep is essential for mental alertness, emotional stability and sound health.

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