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many centuries ago, a little girl called Annette was walking along the cliffside when she found a magnificently pristine rock. It had been nestled within a crevice of a large hill that she rarely passed. a strange figure was engraved near the rocks centre. a person, maybe a child, with sticks protruding from its skull. a shiver fled down her spine as she pocketed her discovery. she climber higher until she could no more. a statue lay lifeless, holding a round stone, similar to her own. by some ill fate, she stepped forwards and tripped, smashing her ear on the statues foot and fracturing the fine workmanship. shards of stone flew in every direction, and blood came pouring out of the newly borne crack in the disfigured leg. A few feet from where she stood, a bush of black roses flowered almost instantly. Annette ducked for cover beneath a nearby tree, struck with fear. Thick and stormy clouds covered the sun, plunging the village in darkness. lightning struck in the distance. again. again. the townsfolk screamed, the ocean screamed, the wind screamed, they all screamed in agony.
The wails of pain were familiar, a beautiful song; thread with a profound sorrow. it enveloped her in sadness deeper than she knew as she dropped to her knees and cried. salted tears rolled down her thin, muddy face, stinging as it got in her many cuts. she didn't care at all, she could not care less. the floor crumbled beneath her slowly but surely and she rolled down until the hill was gone. she lay and stared at the sky though there was nought to see. is this what she had come to?
she started to hear whispers, voices, beckoning her towards the edge. "come closer," they said "it won't hurt," they said. she tried to fight them but they overpowered her weak mind. and so she gave in to the voices.

the relic she found so long ago was one of the seven still remaining today, although its whereabouts are unknown.

molag jerry. divine, godly, all mighty. these are all words that can be used to describe a jerry. Lord jerry is known as our lord, saviour and sin taker. he blesses only those worthy of blessing. another common way to refer to jerry is as follows 'punisher of weak, blesser of strong' thousands live in fear of the name, others seek to challenge or question his power.

the fearful: some decided it was better to be serve jerry than be a victim to jerry. "All mortals will come to him. He is the Harvester of Souls"
167:13 -Achlys
she believed that Molag Jerry will eventually claim all souls and perhaps hopes to avoid this fate via devotion.

the foolish: Those that thought that they can use Jerry to gain power or knowledge are oblivious fools, though some might get lucky. Jerry has been known to have bestowed the knowledge of life to those considered worthy.

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