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Toy cars that immulate the look, feel, and functionality of real cars are a danger to chilren.
I can see the cultural approach to mass communication as being a theory to analyze the marketing of toy cars to children by,
because it considers cultural factors in interpreting media messages.

The messages inflicted onto children by American society and media encourage children to immulate and yearn for a lifestyle of
lavishness instead of a more practical existence which
is far more likely to be most children's future. The children who have those luxurious toy cars might end up suffering
from a warped perspective that might evolve into a defeated mindset once they grow older and see the reality of situation-
that living a luxurious-lifestyle does not happen for most.

To make my concern known I would have to write to the manufacturers that produce toy cars. But, no, I do not
think that the toys should be taken out of circulation for the fact that they are fun for kids now, later on down the line,
if those kids should have to face the fact that they're not rich well hey, we all have to come to that realization. As long
as kids aren't physically being hurt, let the kids play.
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