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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like Yaoi.

You: hi

Stranger: Hi

Stranger: whats up?

You: nm u?

Stranger: same bored

You: same

You: rp?

Stranger: sure

You: any ideas?

Stranger: Hmm.. Son and dad?

You: sure but any others

Stranger: hmmm... I cant think of any hbu you?

You: deppends what kind of stuff do you like?

Stranger: Hmm.. honestly it could be anything im not picky

You: so like vampires, royalty, labs

You: ?

You: thos okay?

You: *those

Stranger: yeah

You: okay 1 sec]

Stranger: ok

You: 1. *The other day, a tall man brought a small unconsious boy into the instatution,
where they ran many human eperiments. The boy had black straight shaggy hair, pink-ish eyes, and had sevrel bruises and cuts on him, the boy was pale, small and couldn't be more than 13 years old. It was now the next morning and the boy should be waking up soon* (can be experiment x scientist, experiment x experiment, or experiment x savior(there would be a time-skip to after the experiments))

2. vampire x werewolf(or anything)

3. prince x servant

4. prince x peasant

Stranger: Hmm.. I like the 1st one but are you more a uke or seme?))

You: uke is that okay..?

Stranger: I'm a uke as well @-@

You: i can play seme

Stranger: You sure?

You: yeah it's fine I already have a seme oc for this anyway

Stranger: ok

You: so which pairing?

Stranger: hmm... experiment x scientist

You: okay

You: perfect

Stranger: Okay cx I made a good choice

You: yep!

You: okay so can i have a decription of your character?

Stranger: *WARNING* I kinda suck at rping .-.

You: that's fine

You: description?

Stranger: Could you start please ; - ;

You: yeah but i need your character description to start..

Stranger: I meant with the. . . Yeah, yeah i got it

Stranger: Name:Seta, Age:12, He has white shaggy hair with purple ends, Reddish eyes, and his clothes are all torn with a cut on his lip, He is pale and is very short

You: (Clyde 25, short black hair, blue eyes, white lab coat with light blue dress shirt, glasses, tall and a bit tan but still pale)

Stranger: ( o

Stranger: Okay*)

You: i'll start

Stranger: Ok

You: *the boy woke up in a small cage*

Stranger: *Rubbing his eyes he looks around terrified* "Wh...Where am I..?"

You: "you're home..."

Stranger: "I'm... Home..?.. Who are you?"

You: "My name is Clyde.. what's your name?"

Stranger: "I'm Seta.. Why am I in a cage Clyde..?"

You: *he laughs a bit* "don't worry you won't be there for long... tell me seta~ what's your favourite animal?"

Stranger: *backs away* " Umm.. A kitty.."

You: *smiles a friendly smile* "very well then..."

Stranger: *Stays hidden* "M-mhm.."

You: "don't worry, I'm here to help you" *kneels in front of the cage*

Stranger: *moves up and looks at you* "Help me..?.. Promise.."

You: "promise." *opens the cage and holds his pinky out* "pinky sware"

Stranger: *giggles and wraps his pinky around yours* "Pinky sware.."

You: "great! now.. will you come with me somewhere?" *stands up*

Stranger: "Uhh... Sure." *stands up and follows behind you* "Where are we going?"

You: *sighs* "the doctors.." *grabs his clipboard and walks to the door*

Stranger: "D...Doctors.." *looks down* "W-why...?"

You: "'ll see"

Stranger: "Ok..."

You: *he leads him out the door, as they walk down the dark hall and other scientist and a girl walk by, the was crying and had large horns frowing out of her head and big claws*

Stranger: *He looks at the girl and begins to cry trying to make a run for it* "No..!"

You: *he grabs him* "don't worry! that won't happen to you!"

You: (do you have skype?)

Stranger: *he cries louder* "Your lying... Your going to make me a monster..!"
(No ; - ;)

You: "stop making a fuss! you won't be a monster! she chose what she is!" *pulls his arm*

You: (email?)

Stranger: "Let me go..!! If she chose what she is.. why is she crying!!!.... Your a liar" *pulls away*
(No... Q-Q Kik?)

You: "i'm not lieing! she chose sheep! and she's crying because the horns are heavy!"

You: *he runs into a gaurd*

Stranger: "Wait...Animal.. Kitty.." *he makes a run for it*

You: *the gaurd grabs him hard*

You: (no..)

You: (you really don't have an email?)

Stranger: *He spits in the guards face trying to break free*
(I do but.. I barely use it.. You cant get kik honestly my email isnt reliable)

You: *he tightens his grip* "i'm sorry... but the more you struggle the worse it will get..."

You: (i don't have a phone or ipod...

You: )

Stranger: *he cries out in pain trying to kick* "Ahhh.....!"
(Aww... Q-Q)

You: "please...just'll never find a way out one ever can..." *the gaurd pushes him into a room and clyde walks in*

Stranger: *He breathes heavily and cries hiding his face* "I wanna go home... I wanna leave.." *He begins to bite his lip causing it to bleed"

Stranger: (I guess i can use my email..)

You: (okay)

You: "no no no... don't do that!" *grabs a peice of tissue and cleans the blood*

Stranger: "Don't touch me..!" *pushes you away continuing to sob*

You: "boss isn't gonna like this..."

Stranger: *bite my lips again sniffing* "Home..."

You: "this is your home.."

Stranger: "No it isn't..Your a liar.."

You: "no, i'm not.."

Stranger: "He told me... He said you'll never find a way out... You kidnapped me..."

You: "we did not!... would you just cooperate! please!"

Stranger: "Why.. For your boss..?.. I dont want to be a animal ... I want to go home.. I can't trust you" *looks away*

You: *sighs* "listen... my boss will be coming down in a bout ten minutes and i'm way behind sechual...he won't like it..."

Stranger: *looks down and gets up silently* "........"

You: "seta?" *looks a bit confused*

Stranger: "Just do what you want I don't care.."

You: "thank-you... sit here.." *he points to a bed*

Stranger: *he sits down emotionless* "......."

You: *he takes a syringe and fills it with a liquid* "this..might hurt..." *puts the needile in his arm*

Stranger: *he groans but stays silent* "......"

You: *he injects it then puts it back* "now i need t-" *a man in a suit opens the door*

Stranger: *he looks at the door* "Hmm..."

You: "man: so clyde i heard there was a problem..." "uh..yes but it was resolved..." "man: yes well we all know what i do about the problems you always cause.." "s-solitary confinement ..." "man: right now.. who is your new specimin..?"

Stranger: "I am Seta.. I apologies for the inconveniences I have caused... Clyde did nothing.. It was me sir." *He bows facing his head downwards*

You: "man: well.. it doesn't matter he should be abl to handle a young boy... now the injection..?" "y-yes! done!"

Stranger: "Please don't blame him.. I wasn't making it easy for him.. I should get punished not Clyde he did nothing wrong it was all me." *He raises his head*

You: "Man: well at least he has a voice unlike ruby... and if you really want to take his place...?" "sir i will not allow that."

Stranger: "Please.. I want to" *He stands in front of the man* "It's how i wish to make up for the troubles i have caused.."

You: "no, you don't your body won't handle the punishment with the injection..." "man: oh..yes...well... i sappose no one will be punished today..."

Stranger: *He looks at the man then nods showing he respects his wishes* "Alright sir.."

You: "man: what a respectful young boy... how did you end up here..?"

Stranger: "I ask myself that same thing..."

You: "the man sighs* "man: you see the children we get are from families that don't want them or are orphaned... which one are you?"

You: (what's ur email?)

Stranger: "....Umm..I... I don't.. know" *looks down teary eyed* "Why wouldn't families want their children.. I thought mommy's and daddy's loved their babies"
(Whats your's?)

You: "not always... a man brought you here do you know who that might have been?"

Stranger: "...Clyde..?" *looks up rubbing my eyes*

You: "...yeah..?" *kneels down*

Stranger: *tears up again and hugs you* "I'm sorry..." *cries* "Why didn't they want me...?.. Why did you save me..?..Was I bad..."

You: "i-i don't know seta... youre a wonderful boy.. why wouldn't they want you..."

Stranger: *sniff* "It's probably my eyes... or my hair.. I'm not normal.." *looks down*

You: "well you know what that's okay... there is no normal here you'll be able to fit right in.." *shows him a smile*

Stranger: *smiles* "...Yeah..Oh.. Your welcome for saving your butt" *laughs*

You: *laughs* "yeah thanks! "now what would you like to do?"

Stranger: "I don't know.." *thinks* "Do you have a mommy and daddy?.."

You: *looks a bit shocked then sad* "i did.."

Stranger: "O...Oh i'm sorry..I didnt mean to make you sad.." *hugs you gently* "It's okay we have each other..But what happened?"

You: "well.. *sighs* i sappose it's okay to tell you... i was in the exact place you are..."

Stranger: "Oh... But your old now.. Well your a grown up"

You: "25... but..this place was really different when i was a specimin.."

Stranger: "What did they do...?" *sits next to you*

You: "well just consider yourself lucky... they were so mean back then they would keep you in a cage 24/7 the only time you would get out is when you had a physical the transformation was a lot more painful.."

Stranger: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I made it hard for you... And I'm sorry I almost got you in trouble And I'm sorry I made my lip bleed and.." *covers my mouth* "Sorry for saying sorry a lot and talking a lot.."

You: "it's fine...i like it when you talk and besides i was the exact same way" *smiles*

Stranger: *blushes and puffs out my cheeks trying to hide it* "Thanks... I got scared... But you helped me..." *smiles then looks down* "Will you be leaving and going home.. And I have to stay here..?"

You: "didn't you hear what I said one ever gets out of here.."

Stranger: "Not even you.."

Stranger: "So... We won't ever be able to go outside again...?" *looks down*

You: "'s been so long since i saw the sun..oh we-ack!"*he notices that his hand is bandaged and is now dripping blood*

Stranger: "Wait stay there.." *grabs more bandages and a sewing thread and stitches it shut covering it again* "What happened to your hand..?"

You: "'s a side effect..." *there's bumps and cuts all over his hand*

Stranger: "To.. What?... What animal are you...?" *looks concerned*

You: "uh... i'm a.. special animal but you shouldn't worry about that.." *holds his hand and gets up and looks in the cabnet*

Stranger: "Someday...Someday we are going to escape and we can watch the sun rise and set.. I promise" *stares at the door*
((Whats your email?))

You: ([email protected])

You: *pulls pills out* "you are a very strong person seta..." *takes five pills*

You: (yours?)

Stranger: "Why do you take so many...?"
([email protected])

You: "my.. condition.."

Stranger: "Can you tell me...?"

You: "i don't think that's a good idea..."

Stranger: "Please..."

You: "i'm sorry...but it's for your own good..."

Stranger: "....Please.. Clyde.."

You: *looks at him* "alright...i'm what you would call a mix... when i was asked i couldn't deside between a lizard and a hawk... so they injected me with both..i was the first and last one like that because of what happened.."

Stranger: "What happened..?"

You: "there..was.. an accident..."

Stranger: "Like...?"
((I added you))

You: (ig2g...)

Stranger: ((Aww ; - ;

You: wait did you add me as a contact?

Stranger: Yes

You: i can't find you so i'll add you

Stranger: are you sure?

Stranger: I sent a message

Stranger: Katie right?

You: yep

Stranger: Or did i mess up and added the wrong person

Stranger: Oh okay good

Stranger: It has happened before @-@

You: i'm not getting them

Stranger: Are you on hangouts?

You: what?

Stranger: Gmail?

You: no yahoo.

Stranger: .-.

Stranger: Heh..

Stranger: Im clueless

Stranger: I'm using gmail

Stranger: I dont have yahoo

You: 1sec

Stranger: Ok

You: i sent you aan email

Stranger: ok

You: did you get it?

Stranger: yep i responded

You: yay

Stranger: haha cx

You: okay i g2g


Stranger: Awww

Stranger: ok

You: bye
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Regards; Team

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