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Genshin Impact God/Archon OC

"Archon" Name: Achlys
Preferred Name: Ario
God Of: Misery/Sadness
Vision: Anemo
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: They/It

-Achlys is the god of misery and sadness, bringing the feeling of worthlessness behind them. They were never a mortal, unlike the others. Made out of the pure terror and misery their creator felt. Out of that damned feeling, came a god. Someone who is their own person, no longer connected with their creator. Their creator was shocked and attempted to get close to them, to learn about this being, but all that came was hurt. His creation lashed out on him often, cursing him for creating them. He begged for forgiveness, and at that moment, that was the first time Achlys had ever killed a mortal. Out of anger and hurt, they killed him. They hated their creator for simply creating them and didn't want to deal with him any longer. At first, they were shocked and regretful, but now? They're glad they did. It was a sort of learning experience for them.

-They fought in the Archon War and won, but did not wish to own a nation. The fear it would hurt innocent humans just by being in their presence stopped them.

-They also have 'abilities.' They can force remorse and guilt upon anyone if they so chose, which often leads to depression and/or suicide. They can also cause burns upon anyone's bodies, similar to acidic burns. Quick, but painful. The last ability isn't purposeful, but it's death. If they get too upset for a long period, it causes the death of those around them in some way shape or form. For example, murder, house fire, hilichurls, Fatui, things such as that.

-Achlys' relationship with the 7 Archons are complex and vary. With Barbatos, they're close friends. Usually sharing a glass of wine at Windrise and Achlys listening to Barbatos sing songs or play tunes that are unfamiliar with them. With Morax, they're distant. Old friends who simply went on their own paths. Back in their days, Morax and Achlys would share a glass of wine with Guizhong and talk about their week, opinions, or other friends. After Guizhong's death, Morax distanced himself to grieve. With the Raiden Shogun, they're ex-friends. Raiden Shogun's need for eternity contradicted her feelings for Achlys in her eyes, therefore, she no longer wanted anything to do with them.

They have long, dark blue hair. Usually mistaken for black.
They have a light brown skin tone, and out comes white glowing blood.
They have grey eyes, turns white when using abilities.
Their tears are acidic, burning through anything it lands onto.
They wear a long white dress, draping past their knees and a perfect fit around the arms.
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