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Stoncy vampire fic

So they have a week and a half when they arrive in town. Steve pretends to be a fed to get info on the official investigation, Nancy pretends to be a journalist to talk to the victims’ families, and Jonathan pretends to be a clueless tourist who’s walking around town and just happens to stumble onto old crime scenes.

Jonathan really doesn’t notice anything noteworthy at first. The crimes take place in out of the way places, like behind buildings, in alleys, and at the edge of the woods. He sees the usual stuff—blood, scuff marks, signs of struggle—at only a few of the scenes he visits. The majority, there’s no sign of struggle at all, which is strange. He knows vampires don’t have a thrall strong enough to mind control victims into not struggling, so he doesn’t know why some of the victims didn’t seem to put up a fight. He decides the vampires must’ve knocked them out or something beforehand.

He gets kind of lost on his way to the motel and is given directions by a kind couple who he finds himself trusting for some reason (he also plays up the hapless tourist thing). Along the way he trips or cuts himself or something and they warn him to be careful. In the motel they combine what they know. Nancy says that the victims didn’t show any signs of any odd behavior before they were killed, that the killings usually weren’t even reported until the morning after, when they didn’t come home at night. Jonathan tells them about the crime scenes and how most of them there was no sign of struggle. He wonders if it’s because the victims were dead or unconscious already, but Nancy reminds him that vampires prefer their food moving to get the blood pumping, and Steve says that there was one victim they managed to save.

Someone saw the victim being attacked and called 911; they claim to have seen a few shadowy figures crouching over the body; the body was found covered in lacerations and nearly dead; and is currently in a coma in a hospital a few towns over. Steve says that’s pretty much a dead end, but the person who saw the attack might not be. Jonathan goes out to get some food (along the way he runs into another couple who chat with him for a little bit). Then he goes home and they make a game plan.

The next day it’s decided that Nancy and Steve will go to the witness, since Nancy has already established himself as a reporter interested in the story and Steve is posing as a federal agent. Jonathan decided to go back to the woods while it’s daylight. He’s poking around (admittedly taking pictures) when he stumbles upon a path and then, following it, a few of the people he met yesterday. They tell him there are a few houses up along the dirt road, further in the forest where there’s privacy. They invite him in for a drink, and even though jonathan knows logically that this is a bad idea, he finds himself trusting them and agreeing.

So he goes to their house and lo and behold there’s like five vampires (because he realizes after they lock the door behind him that he’s just made a very grave mistake). Four of the vampires are the two couples he met yesterday; the fifth is like. An eight year old kid. And the vampires explain that vampire kids have voracious appetites which is why they’re having to kill so many people all the time. So they get a few bites in before Jonathan manages to escape into the forest. The vampires are gaining on him in the dappled trees but then he bursts out onto a street in broad daylight and they don’t follow him. He goes back to the motel to take care of his wounds.

He’s shaky and scared still and realizes he was under thrall for a hot second which is why he trusted them. Luckily Steve and Nancy return not too much later and help Jonathan with his injuries. They realize that the vampires have Jonathan’s blood taste now and won’t let him go, especially not now that they’ve seen his face.

The next day they decide not to split up and do some recon. They ask around and find out that the people who own the houses in the woods are super rich, have been there forever, but travel a lot and aren’t often in town. They then go to the houses except of course they get caught again before they can do much. They do learn that the vampires are cocky enough not to leave or even change houses. During the fight Steve and Nancy start rlly feeling the effects of their cycles and almost die, but Jonathan cuts himself and lures the vampires away before they can bite Nancy. Jonathan escapes by killing one of the vampires with a machete, sending the others into grief and distracting them enough for him to get Nancy and Steve and book it.

At the hote Steve and Nancy say they are NOT pleased by how strong the vampires thirst for Jonathan’s blood is, like specifically him to the point where they abandoned easier prey to go after him. Jonathan says it cant be helped but maybe they can use it to their advantage by luring the vampires into a trap or something. They have to hurry; they only have a few more days until Steve and Nancy go into rut and heat, and once that happens they’ll be no use fighting vampires. Steve and Nancy hate the plan to use Jonathan as bait (he was like maybe we can lead them to one of the other houses and blow it up or something) because it’s risky, but they can’t come up with any better ideas.

That night, they sneak out while Jonathan is asleep and go after the vampires themseves. Jonathan wakes up, realizes they’re gone, realizes what they did, and is obviously freaked out. He packs an Arsenal, including his machete, one of their extra pistols, extra bullets, a dagger, pepper spray, his lighter, idk. They took the car so he has to walk across town (it takes him over an hour) and then he has to tramp another 20 minutes into the woods. But he passed his car on the way si he knows he’s on the right track.

He sneaks into the vampires yard and spies on them through a basement window. He sees Steve and Nancy tied up, a little bloody, surrounded by the three adult vampires and the bloodthirsty little child vampire. Jonathan gets to work. He manages to like unhook the gas pipe from the stove and sneak around a bit before he’s caught and thrilled just enough that he follows the vampire into the basement. Steve and Nancy lose it, Jonathan loses it, the litte kid loses it, and there’s a brawl. Jonathan manages to get the kid and use him as leverage long enough for Nancy and Steve to take out the remaining two vampires, and then they kill the kid and rush out of the house. Jonathan finds matches, lights them up, and blows the house up, and then they race back to the motel before someone calls the cops.

At the motel, Jonathan absolutely REAMS THEM OUT abkut sneaking off without him and getting hurt. He takes care of their injuries and they take cere of his and they apologize and Jonathan forgives them but he’s like if you ever do this to me again I’ll kill you both myself. They sleep it off and the next morning they head out super early. They go back to a safe house and lo and behold Nancy’s heat starts a day or two early and that triggers Steve’s rut and Jonathan’s like lord have mercy this is gonna be a tough week because of their injuries and stuff. So he makes Nancy and Steve shower and go to the bedroom and he takes care of things. He makes sure they have water bottles and snacks in the room as well as extra blankets and sheets, he puts a first aid kit under the bed, he goes to call their boss and work out the details of their payment. Then he goes back into the bedroom and finds Steve with his face buried between Nancy’s legs so he like shrugs and joins them. (As a beta he doesn’t go into heat or rut but he’s not immune to all the pheromones and stuff. He’s not gonna be as painfully horny as his partners but his libido will be a little higher and he’ll be able to keep up with them while keeping a clear head.)
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