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When Xui was born, the world wasn't as to terms with these hybrid types as any of the others that have lived in harmony for thousands of years. These animal-like hybrids were confusing to many, while some even went as far as to form hate groups upon them, calling them 'disgraces to the human kind', and unfortunately, he had to grow up in a city that thought of such. His family had kept him and his twin brother safe since they were born, but things slowly began to go downhill as the two grew to toddlers. Xui was very prone to sickness during that time, and it caused his parents to quickly become limited on money, to the point where eating more then once a day become a luxury for the four nekos. In fear of eventually being found out, his parents made the difficult decision of traveling to another city with what money they had, and left his twin in the care of another welcoming couple. It was painful for them, but Xui being ill and so young, it was of best interest. Years flew by, and with the lack of memory in those young years, he had no clue of his twin brother, and only being 7 years old when the incident happened.. his parents never got the chance to tell him. A popular gang known for ridding countries of these creatures had noticed Xuis father when he didn't correctly hide his feline features, and instantly they were a target. Weeks went by of this gang tracking their location, and once their home was found, it was all hell from there on out. They bursted in while his parents were making dinner, from his room all he heard was yelling, screaming, and other voices all jumbled together. They busted into his room, and the moment they realized this couple had a child.. their initial plan got a lot more horrific. His parents were completely tied up and gagged, and he was tied to a chair, being so weak that he couldn't get out nor tip it over. For five whole days, hours at a time, he had to sit and watch as these masked people tortured his parents, words of insults strung out at him, and a growing pain in his heart as he realized this is how they went out. Or so he thought. On that fifth day, the men had left about an hour previous to get dinner, and he was struggling as usual in his bindings. It appeared that all of that he had done the past days had finally loosened the rope, and he got one hand free. In excitement and hopefulness, he managed to untie himself from his chair, and run to his parents who were on the brink of bleeding out, his mother the only conscious one. He pleaded for her to stay, to run away with him, but she had already accepted the darkness soon to come. With her last bit of strength, she told her boy to take the pendant necklace on her neck, to run away and find life in a town that accepts him. Xui only continued his wailing pleads, but when his mother fell silent, he knew he only had one choice. And so he did. With tears streaming down his cheeks and quiet hiccups of intense heartbreak, he took his mother's pendant, wore his hooded cloak, and ran. He was starved, dehydrated, and barely kept himself up, all that kept his motivation up was a feeling of anger in his sadness, a want for revenge, to make those people suffer for what they did. He drank from the rivers he passed, plucked berries from the bushes, and after days of searching, he found a new town. One that didn't quite accept him, but didn't kill him neither, seeing the other various creatures that walked in those streets gave him a relief that he'd at least survive here. Over the next few years, he traveled farther from his home, city to city where he stole food for nourishment and hid in the alleyways, the only well kept thing on his person being the pink, heart-shaped pendent around his neck. At 17, ten years after he ran from his home, he saw a solo musician in the town he was arriving in.. 'Alexender', and instantly he was inspired. Showing those emotions through music, maybe he could get his own following, people to help hunt down those who stole everything from him. He stayed in that city ever since then, stealing twine and tools, taking to the woods and crafting the worlds worst attempt at a violin, he remembered that instrument from his home, every Friday a girl would come and play the prettiest tunes that made his mother smile, and he wanted that to stay with him. He went to every festival that came in hopes of seeing Alexender, and finally after almost two years of waiting, it came true. It was the best night of his life, watching the passion that man put into his music, he was even more starstruck then the first time he saw him. After his show, he looked in the crowd for him, but it was as if he had just disappeared. Disappointed, Xui went to sit outside the festival on the street, thinking maybe he could spot him coming out. But it seemed like the universe did more then that for the neko. Hearing a voice speak to him, he looked up, and with a whiff of alcohol to his face, he saw the man he had looked up to for so long hunching over at him. The urge to freak out rose and dropped, pure shock over his face when he invited him to his house. From that day on, Xui never left Alex's side, and with help from his idol, he managed to get himself a proper working instrument.
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