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History of Wigs
In ancient times wigs were worn as an adornment. Wig wearing was prevalent among the nobility during the time of King Edward the first who introduced the practice. Later during the Medieval Times, they became a symbol of social standing and class. Wigs were also used during the Regicide of King Richard III in the 16th century for his enemies to use against him.
A wig is usually a full head or entire head accessory made entirely of human hair, synthetic fibre, or animal hair. The word wig comes from the German word weig, making its oldest known appearance in the English Language in William Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona (ixtanno peritus). Although wigs have been worn by most people all over the world for thousands of years, they only came into public attention in the late 18th Century when the Marquis de la Rouchfoucauld, the fashion adviser to King Louis XIV of France and the founder of the style of wearing hats, began a trend of wearing wigs. This trend became popular among French priests, aristocracy and the elite who desired a certain type of dress sense.
The earliest wigs were simple pieces of hair attached flatly to the scalp. They were worn by both sexes and can be seen wearing wigs in public to this day. The medium variety, which includes padded hats with hair attached in various ways, is much more common in modern times. The high quality wigs of the Victorian era, often adorned with jewels, feathers and other ornamental pieces, are highly prized possessions to be worn as a fashion statement.
Most people associate the look of wigs with the 18th century, but they were actually in use well before that date. The Chinese wore wigs made of hair gathered from their heads or from the body of the cows. They would also tie dyed hair back using animal hair. In ancient Egypt, the priests wore wigs made of mummies' hair. These wigs have been found to date back to 4000 B.C.
In America during the colonial period, the French considered the periwigs an acceptable alternative to real hair. English soldiers in the American wars also wore periwigs because they could be worn for several months at a time. These wigs had an attractive appearance and the comfort of synthetic hair. During the middle ages, some individuals began wearing wigs made from animal hair because they did not want to shave their heads. Although a wig may not have been the first solution to hair loss, it was probably one of the most widespread and longest lasting.
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In the late 18th century, among women, among those with unusual hairstyles, the wearing wigs became the norm. This is because among women with hairstyles considered untidy and unruly, wigs became a common accessory. For example, amongst women of the nobility, wigs were often worn to cover up undesirable hairstyles.
The wearing of wigs among women of the middle ages had begun by the end of the sixteenth century. One way to wear wigs was to use a wig cap. Wig caps were designed to cover the front portion of the hair and were used to make wigs that looked like the real thing. There was a great need for wigs in this era because many women in that era experienced hair loss. Wig manufacturing began during the Renaissance and lasted well into the nineteenth century.
During the late 17th century, among women, among those who wore hairstyles that are different from the European standards, the use of periwigs became commonplace. One of the reasons for this occurrence is that people started to wear their hair longer and thus, they wanted something that would cover up the part that they wanted to hide. In addition to that, European hair was already being worn in other parts of the world so it was natural for the women of that era to want to wear a wig that was similar to what people were wearing elsewhere in Europe. As time went on and as more countries began using hair wear, the periwig slowly started to fade away. It was phased out by the end of the nineteenth century, but it never completely disappeared, and today, many people still prefer to wear some type of wig or a periwig to cover up their unwanted locks.

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