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Review the case for Assignment 1. Who are some of the suppliers that will influence the Strategy and Enterprise Analysis in this case? Explain your response.

A supplier can be defined as an entity that facilitates services or supplies goods. Suppliers are an important part of every business because they are the ones who provide suggestions, raw materials, equipment, etc for trouble-free working of a business. Some of the suppliers in Case Study 1 that will influence the Strategy and Enterprise Analysis are-

Employees of Unihie are the customers because they will use the FRM system once it is developed.
Jeeves (Chief Executive Officer) is the Domain SME because he has in-depth knowledge about the business needs and is the one who has initiated the project.
Senior Executive Management Team, Vice Presidents, Division Managers, and Business Development Managers are the End Users because they will use the FRM system once it is developed.
Division Managers are the Implementation SMEs because they have specialized knowledge about their division.
Business Development Managers are Operational Support because they are very supportive, will be the change champions, day-to-day decision-makers, and roadblock removers.
Unihie is a Sponsor and Regulator because it has defined a business need and wants to develop a solution. Moreover, Unihie will define and enforce the standards.
The Business Analyst is the supplier because he is not a part of the organization but will provide services to the organization.
The above-mentioned suppliers can provide information to fulfil all the four tasks of Strategy and Enterprise Analysis.


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