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Rocks and the rock cycle
-The rock cycle allows the rock-like materials to be recycled and change into other types of rocks in a never-ending cycle
-Rocks break down by weathering or erosion.
Weathering-Weather breaking down rocks into smaller pieces
Erosion-Weather moving pieces of rock naturally
Weathering allows Erosion to happen
-Ways rocks can be broken down and sometimes moved...
Wind-Gravity-Earthquake-Rain-Floods-Man made changes
-How rock changes from one type into another
Earthquake-Shake and Moving
Volcano-Lava and Magma
Underground-Heat and Pressure
-Rock formation classification
Sedimentary rock-This type of rock is formed from pre-existing rock pieces or pieces of once-living organisms, If buried deep
enough Pressure and heat will compact creating layers.
Cementation-Sticking together Compaction-Pressing together
Bones show that the earth is scientifically 4.5 billion years old
Igneous rock-Rock that are formed when melted rock cools down and hardens. This type of rock is created directly from either magma or lava
Magma-Hot molten or semifluid rock below or within the earth's crust, where Igneous rocks are formed after cooling
Lava-Hot molten or semifluid rock erupted from a volcano or fissure, where Igneous rocks are formed after cooling
Extrusive Volcanic Igneous(Exists)-Magma exits and cools as lava at or near the Earth's surface where room temperature cools the rock quickly leaving the mineral crystals no time to grow
Intrusive Plutonic Igneous(Inside)-Magma stays inside the Earth's crust where it cools in chambers within the pre-existing rock. The magma cools very slowly over thousands to millions of years where crystals have time to grow.
Solidification-Rock hardens to create crystals depending on how slow the rock cools down. Quicker=Brittle Longer=Crysralized
Metamorphic rock-Rock that are formed when pressure and heat create changes to sedimentary or igneous rock. With high heat or pressure, the rock softens mixing with itself and other rock sediments creating a new rock/appearance
Cementation-Sediments are glued together by minerals deposited by water
Compactation-Sediments are squeezed together where sediment grains are reduced by the weight
Metamorphism-High temperature changes the Previous metamorphic rock without melting. Metamorphic rocks can be squished, smeared out, and folded.

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