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Romanesque Architecture
Romanesque architecture is a term used to describe styles of architecture that resemble older Roman structures, particularly those from the 2nd century AD. Romanesque architecture is also a genre, which is the kind of monumental architectural sculpture that imitates the earlier Roman styles from the past. It is also part of the "Romanicisms" category, which includes famous styles like Gothic and Greek architecture. Romanesque is sometimes called "Roman Deco" because it appears to be influenced in a variety of places by classical Roman architecture. However, it has its own distinct characteristic and was not part of any actual Roman architectural plan. It is found in places such as Bath and along the Somerset coast.

Romanesque architecture was brought to prominence by the architect Vitruvius. In the 1st century AD Vitruvius was one of the most influential members of the Roman Academy. Romanesque architecture often uses massive elements, such as columns, naves (sometimes known as "pipes") and thick walls. There are numerous obvious connections between the Romanesque style and local customs.

Romanesque architecture was full of stylized friezes. Walls of public buildings and baths are often decorated with figurative murals. Additionally, Romanesque building materials typically include bricks and stone. In the early centuries stone was the main material for clay tiles and bricks and eventually, pavements and roads.

Romanesque architecture is renowned for its use of gable roofs. Romanesque roofs are typically pointed at an angle to the wall. This style was later adopted by different architectural styles. For instance in the Gothic architecture style, the roof typically faces westwards. Some Romanesque buildings even feature what are called "Roman cornices".

Romanesque architecture also included many examples of arches. Romanesque houses still use arches to support the roof. The Romanesque piers were sometimes supported by columns. The Romanesque churches of the middle times are often compared to pagodas due to their intricate designs. They differ from simple pagodas in that Romanesque churches had elaborate staircases, which might have involved using large pilasters. The Romanesque architecture of the Romanesque piers and columns was further enhanced by the use of mosaics.

Romanesque architecture is complex and varied in terms of scale. While most Romanesque structures are similar in size, they differ in the particulars of the way they are constructed. รับออกแบบ For example a Romanesque town hall might have an outer ring with covered bifold doors, whereas the interior of a Romanesque building could have a large covered porte cochere (a section of wall that connects all the rooms). รับออกแบบ While these structures follow the same design they are usually mixed with other elements of architecture. The columns and arches may overlap, or chapels or villas may have no arches or columns at all.

Understanding the basic objectives of learning is crucial to appreciate the differences between Romanesque architecture and the pre-roman period. There are three kinds of learning goals for Romanesque architecture: utilitarian religious, and political. The purpose of the religious is worshiping the gods and goddesses of Rome. Romanesque architecture is used to construct monuments for gods, public spaces like streets paths and fountains, as well as public spaces and monuments for Roman military personnel. Finally, political goals are meant to reflect the cultural and social values that the Roman state possesses.

Romanesque architecture is distinguished from pre-roman period by the absence of ornamentation. Romanesque architecture's homes are not as commonplace public spaces with elaborate columns and arches. The style is distinguished by straight lines and sharp angles and simple shapes and plain forms. This lends the Romanesque architecture a "closed" appearance that some art historians compare to Seville Cathedral (the site of the final Roman Catholic Church). A few examples of Romanesque architecture include the Romanesque arched walkways in Verona, and the arched portico of the Dominican church in Milan.

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