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Hi everyone, today I'm going to explain my diagram about the human skeleton. The first bone is the skull the skull's use is to give a human's head a shape, the other bone is the cranium. the cranium is the upper part of the skull its use is to protect the brain. The bone over here is called clavicle, the clavicle is an important bone without it your arm won't connect to your main body. The scapula serves as a site for the attachment of multiple muscles around the shoulder. This bone is called humerus the use of it is to extend the shoulder to the elbow. This bone is the ribs. the use of ribs are to protect organs such as the heart and the lungs. the spines use is to suport the body to be straight. the uses of the radius and ulna is to connect your elbow to your wrist. the other bone is the pelvis. the use of the pelvis is to connect your upper body with your legs. the carpal is the lower part of your hand. the phalanges is the upper part of your finger and toes, without it your fingers will become very short. the metacarpals are to connect the carpal to the phalanges. The next bone is the femur. the femur connects the pelvis to the patella. the use of he patella is to protect the knee joint. the use of the tibia and the fibula is the same, both of their uses are to hold the whole weight of the body up. The use of the metatarsals are to connect the tarsals and the phalanges. The last bone is the tarsal the use of it is to connect your leg with your foot. now those are all the bones thank you for listening to my presentation.
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