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Why You Should Get A Home Inspection
Why You Should Get A Home Inspection Like taking your car to an auto shop or seeing a doctor, home inspections are sometimes nerve-wracking and traumatic for home sellers and home buyers. If it's your home sitting in the hot chair, even a pretty clean report may sting a little. Keep in mind, a home inspection isn't a fail or pass grade. It is a chance for home sellers and home buyers to get inside and really see what repairs need to be made before moving forward.

Now, let's get back to why you need a home inspection. You've been offered a great home with all the right features, but are still having trouble selling or buying it. You're thinking that selling or buying it won't make the financial sense it should, and you may even be thinking about simply moving on after spending so much money on it. A home inspection doesn't always have to spell the end of a real estate sale or the start of a homebuyer/seller relationship. Home inspectors can actually save both parties time, money, and headaches down the road!

Real estate agents and their clients worry about home inspections. After all, who wants to deal with a home inspector? They may not like it, but they also know that home inspections cost money and real estate agents don't like to waste it. This is where home inspections come into play.

In most cases, home inspections are conducted by a real estate agent on behalf of the home seller's agent. These agents are the ones responsible for interviewing the potential home buyer, the seller's agent, and any other parties involved. The real estate agent will also coordinate the home inspections with the seller, the home seller, the buyer, and the property owner or lender. All parties are well informed about the progress of the home inspections and are aware of what is going on.

If there are problems, they will report them to the home inspector. Then, the home inspector will take steps to repair or correct the problems. If there aren't any problems, the seller and home buyer can move forward with closing. If, however, there are problems, the buyer might decide to enter into negotiations with the seller about the costs of repairs or any other ramifications of buying the home. Negotiations can often result in the seller lowering the price to get more money out of the buyer.

Another positive aspect of home inspections is that buyers can now get the peace of mind that comes from knowing everything about a home's structure, location, and safety. Home inspectors are responsible for protecting the consumers of home inspections from unscrupulous sellers, inexperienced buyers, and unreliable home inspectors. Buyers no longer have to worry that they're getting into a bad home purchase, and sellers can avoid costly repairs by being honest about their home inspection matters.

As stated previously, home inspections are usually performed by professionals who are fully trained and qualified to do the job. That means that there shouldn't be any surprises for the home buyer or real estate agent. Buyers should find out the name of the inspector or his or her professional association. Real estate agents should also know how to contact the inspector and will often have already had the home inspected and can act as an expert to the buyer when questions arise regarding home inspections.

While home inspections don't always result in a home sale, they do provide a great deal of peace of mind to homebuyers, especially those who fear buying a home without a home inspection. When buyers know the status of their home and are comfortable with the inspection process, they are much more likely to make a home purchase. When sellers can't control home inspection or aren't comfortable with home inspectors, they may find themselves dealing with several homebuyers who want to take advantage of the seller's lack of knowledge. It's best for sellers to have home inspections conducted by licensed professionals. This ensures the home is in good condition and gives the seller peace of mind during a real estate transaction.


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