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mizuka -> very able, but not strong (small > is fast > is the type to hit areas that lead one to be temporarily stunned > is also handy with light weapons since she grew up in a rough environment)
also i should mention that even though shes =_= and calm, even in sonomama, shes kinda rash and does things without thinking them through often times to help people

town she moves to later on should be one of those towns where the castle is situated, basically center of deiea

n e way..

ok so da fire day:
noctis ends up saving half conscious mizuka -> he doesnt know its her and she doesnt know its him obvs but bc shes like half awake she kinda mistakes him for yuuki but doesnt really say anything bc no strength (i guess she was helping the village kids escape)

ONCE she enters the little refuge or w/e a few things happen:
1) noctis turns to leave and walks away a few steps
2) mizuka is well liked and she kinda just collapses against the wall near the door and the ppl freak out like "mizuka mizuka!!"
3) noctis realizes mizuka could be in the cabin bc o shit!! he came to tethis for her in first place so he turns around to go back
4) when he approaches the door he can hear muffled "mizuka"s so hes like o shit!! she rly was here and before he can open the door the lucas thing happens
5) anyway mizuka can sort of hear what lucas is saying and she overhears the noctis and castle thing. the ppl are also like "wtf do u kno the young prince saved u" and then she passes out
6) they have made 0 connections yet noctis just knows mizuka is probably alive and was in tethis + mizuka knows now that a prince saved her

fast forward:
soldiers told the ppl they best move to new towns bc
a) not many people left to rebuild
b) town was rly fukin destroyed

so mizuka decides to get as close to the castle as possible since shes the kind of person to feel burdened after getting help from someone else
its not like she thinks she'll c da prince again but idk something makes her just go to that "main town" where she ends up being taken in by general store lady

when the death of the queen happens noctis attends obvsly
he feels kinda weird since hes a bit more sad than he thought he would be, but he still feels like hes not mourning as much as a "son" should. lucas is v sad.
mizuka kinda watches from the distance and sees who noctis is bc he looks younger obv. and when he does the thing where he calls out to her, its bc he remembers her as the girl he saved, and that she might know something about mizuka
she realizes she could give her thanks but kinda freaks out since she thinks royalty = bad = he probably wants something from her = shes like =_= and thinks she has nothing to gives -> runs awei
hes like "fuk"

anyway ba dum dum dum...
i think there should be a castle siege sometime after this. i dunno if this leads to the king's death or w/e but basically another kingdom??? outsiders?? idk they try to overthrow the king and theres no fire, but there is a conflict within the castle. (im gonna say damage to the building itself is minimal bc the ppl are only after the royalty. probably orchestrated by acacia idek)
the lady who takes in mizuka (i keep wanting to call her pam lMAO fantasy life), that day shes like yo we should lock up early and take shelter and mizuka is like wat wae and she explains whats up
and mizuka realizes noctis = royalty = in danger = so instead she gets like a sleeping soldiers armor and runs into the castle amidst the chaos to help noctis as it'd be a sort of pay back for him helping her
anyway she helps him out i guess and hes like o thx wtf why are u here. and shes like "bc we need 2 gtfo" and then she takes his hand and they are running but then hes like "wait do u kno wher ur goin" "no" "=_=" and then he takes charge and they escape LMAO

two things CAN happen as a result of that:
a) mizuka and noctis get a chance to talk -> shes like o i know u bc i overheard or some crap and hes like rly and shes like ya ofc who doesnt know the name of the prince and hes like wow ok wats ur name and she tells him and hes like FUCK
but he doesnt say anything bc it is rly not the time <- i like this one
b) mizuka becomes knight possibly as we discuSSED? ??aSDL
lmao imagine noctis wants to see her so he orders some ppl to go find her and make her a knight ahhaah
anyway ya im less positive on that one

also on the topic of illness/disease
i thought disease would be a bit weird bc if she got sick in one timeline, she would get sick in all the others since it was just meant to happen bUT if there is rly a drought maybe she just gets sick bc she is water and all that metaphorical jazz
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