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Surah At-Tawba/5. verse:
When the forbidden months are over, kill those who associate partners with Allah wherever you find them, capture and imprison them, and sit and watch over them at every lookout. If they repent, establish the prayer and pay the zakat, set them free. Surely, Allah is very forgiving, very merciful.

You can show this verse without hesitation to those who say that your religion is to you, my religion is me/Islam is the religion of tolerance. When you read the first four verses, it can be seen that the people who are wanted to be killed here are not those who fought with Muhammad, but only people who believe in polytheistic religion. Associating partners with Allah means 2. Believing in a god. What is this hostility?

Surah At-Tawba/7. verse:
How can those who associate partners with Allah have a covenant with Allah and His Messenger? but those with whom you made a treaty near Masjid al-Haram are different. As long as they are honest with you, be honest with them. For Allah loves those who fear themselves.

It is understood from the next verse that there is no problem in killing those who believe in polytheism, except those with whom an agreement has been made.

Surah At-Tawba/12. verse:
If, after their covenant, they break their oaths and insult your religion, fight the ringleaders of disbelief. Because they are people who do not keep their oaths. Hopefully they give up.

Also, it's okay to kill those who break the deal.

Surah Al-Baqara/13. verse:
And when it is said to them, "Believe as people believe," they say, "Shall we believe like fools?" Know well that they are the fools, but they do not know.

Surah Al-Baqara/18. verse:
They are deaf, dumb, blind. They will not return (to the truth).

In the time of tawba, we could at least repent and become Muslims again and go to heaven. However, it is underlined in Surah Baccarat that such a thing is not possible. Here's the contradiction.

Surah Muhammad/35. verse:
Don't be offended. Do not call for peace even though you are superior.

Islam is the religion of peace, get out of there.

Surah Maida/51. verse:
O believers! Do not take Jews and Christians as friends. They are each other's friends. Whoever among you takes them for friends is surely one of them. Surely, Allah does not guide the wrongdoers to the truth.

Perhaps one thinks that he is keeping Jews and Christians apart from Pagans. Yes, it gives them the right to live, but it does not replace people.

Surah Al-Baqara/223. verse:
Your women are your crop. Arrive at your event as you wish.

Most of the people I talked to were talking about the verses about women, and they were saying think about the conditions of that period, eh? If at that time, in this period, is it still to accept this book as holy?

Anyway, the above verse summarizes the general state of women in the Qur'an. In any case, the Qur'an always tells men something while describing the relationship between men and women, except for 2-3 verses.

Surah Al-Baqara/228. verse:
Women have legitimate rights as well as obligations. Only men have a degree of difference over women.

He has now accepted the situation himself. He doesn't deny it.

Surah Al-Baqara/282. verse:
Two men whose testimonies you trust; If there are no two men, take a man and two women as witnesses. This is for the other to remind him if one of them forgets.

Openly spoken 2 women = 1 man
There are still people who say that men and women are equal in Islam.

Surah An-Nisa/3. verse:
If you are afraid of doing injustice to the orphan girls (of whom you are guardians), marry (not them) two, three or four (other) women who are lawful for you. If you fear that you will not act justly (among those women), then take one or be content with what you have (concubines).

So whatever part of this verse you hold is up to you. You can marry and have sex with the girl you adopted. If not, you get 3 or 4 each. That you already have concubines that you can have sex with. I didn't know what else to comment. Conditions of that period heee hee conditions of that period...

Surah an-Nisa/34. verse:
Men are the protectors of women. Because Allah has made some people superior to others. Also, men spend (and provide for the family) from their own possessions. Good women are submissive. Thanks to Allah's protection (themselves), they also protect the "unseen", advise the women you see rebelling (by rejecting their marital obligations), leave them alone in their beds. (if they do not help, but if you have to) beat them (lightly). If they obey, then look no further against them. Undoubtedly, Allah is very exalted, very great.

This is probably the most clichéd verse. It is underlined again that men are superior. The man was given the right to beat the woman. There are men here who defend this verse with the word lightly in parentheses.

Surah an-Nisa/24. verse:
Married women are forbidden (to you), except what you have (as prisoners of war).

What we take as prisoners of war is halal. Wait a minute, wasn't that a war crime? Can we rape married women in the area we occupy? Hee hee conditions of that period.

Surah Talaq/4. verse:
If you are hesitant about your women who have stopped their menstruation and those who have not yet menstruated, their waiting period is three months. The waiting period for those who are pregnant ends when they give birth. Whoever fears Allah, Allah will give him ease in his affairs.

Yes, friends, we can have sex with girls who are not menstruating yet, every three months. But in fact, show this to the types who say that the age of menstruation was early in that region at that time. If so, how many writers? Say that we can already have sex even though we don't menstruate.

There are footnotes in most of the verses about women on the Diyanet website. At that time, it was like this, it was like this, but in fact, he wanted to say something like that. They must be ashamed to write this in this verse. There were no footnotes in it. They finally understood something.

Surah Ahzab/50. verse:
O prophet! the wives whose dowries you have given to you, the women whom Allah has given you as booty; We have made lawful for you your uncle's daughters, your aunt's daughters, your uncle's daughters, and your aunt's daughters who migrated with you. We also know what we have made obligatory for believers regarding their wives and concubines (we have made it lawful for you). . All this so that there is no difficulty for you.

Let's take a look at the next verse.

Surah Ahzab/51. verse:
You leave behind any of them you wish, and you take with you whomever you wish. There is no sin on you if you take back any of your divorced wives that you desire. Doing so is more appropriate for them to be happy and not sad, and for them all to be content with what you give.

If he gets bored, he can take a nap.

Surah Ahzab/53. verse:
O you who believe! Do not enter the houses of the prophet without being called to eat and waiting for the food to be cooked. Enter when called. When you eat the food, disperse immediately. Don't wait to chat. Because your behavior disturbs the Prophet, but he is also afraid of you. God does not hesitate to tell the truth. When you want something from the wives of the Prophet, ask behind the scenes. Doing so is purer for both your hearts and theirs. It is out of the question for you to disturb the Messenger of Allah and marry his wives after him.

It is possible to become a deist even just by thinking about the scene when the following verse is supposedly descended:

+ The food is also good, good luck.
- Gentlemen, the verse has come, I will ask you to go.
+ How so what is going on?
- Well, here comes the verse, it says you have to leave here after dinner. Come on please, I beg you.
+ Brother, are you firing us?
- Well, I wouldn't want to either, but here's the verse, come on, goodbye.
+ Thank you, brother.

Surah Maida/38. verse:
Cut off the hands of the thief man and the thief woman, as a reward for what they have done and as a deterrent from Allah.

Don't cry because they give 8 years to the one who steals baklava, worse is worse in Islam.

Surah Nur/2. verse:
Strike each of the adulterous woman and the adulterer with floating sticks. If you believe in Allah and the Last Day, let them not feel sorry for them regarding the religion of Allah. Let a group of believers witness their punishment.

And the public will watch them, right?

Surah Al-Baqara/230. verse:
If a man divorces his wife (for the third time), it is not lawful for him unless she marries another husband. If (this husband too) divorces her, it is no sin for them (the woman and her first husband) to return to each other and marry again if they believe that they can observe the standards set by Allah.

Comment: If he is still not sane after divorcing three times and taking the wife back to him; As punishment, we marry the woman to a slut so that she can come to her senses. I took such a meaning from this verse. Probably nothing else.

Surah Adiyat/1-6. Verse: By the horses that run fast out of breath, striking fire (while running), raiding early in the morning, mixing dust there and plunging into the midst of the enemy crowd, man is truly ungrateful to his Lord.

Comment: This verse has no event. I just kind of laughed. They praised the horses used by Muslims and then said that man is ungrateful to his Lord. What does ungratefulness have to do with these horses now? Also, not every non-Muslim is ungrateful to his creator. Christians can, too.

BAKARA PERIOD 193 verses
Fight them until there is no more persecution and only the religion of Allah is in the middle. Don't be offended if they give up. There is no enmity except the oppressors.

it means that it is not us who should worship Allah. Religion is God's, I am not saying that religion should not belong to God.
Since he sent the verse, it will be mine, so I'm not keen on it anyway. As it says in the verse, it says until the religion is Allah's, okay, I agree, let the religion be Allah's, not us humans.
IT IS NON-BUILD Attack again, kill again, what kind of nonsense is this, I understood from this verse that Allah is a very weak and helpless person.
Don't look for help in vain.
because he wants his servants to even kill those who do not believe, because he cannot afford it.
He can't even kill those he wants to kill himself.
You know, the storm, the earthquake, the apocalypse, he was using them, those who do not believe are stronger,
he has no power, he hopes for help from his weak servants.


Not knowing that sperm is produced in the testicles:
In medical science, it is known that the female reproductive cell "oocyte" is produced in the ovary, and the male reproductive cell "sperm" is produced in the testis. However, in Surah Tariq he writes:
Tarik/ 5-8. Let man see what he was created from. He was created from water that came from between his backbone and ribs. Surely (Allah) is mighty to bring it back.
There is no convincing explanation for this verse, which is contrary to science. Some Islamists claim that what comes out between the backbone and ribs is not sperm, but human. Some Islamists try to explain this verse with the testicles being up at the beginning. Others try to establish a connection between sperm and oocyte and bone marrow. However, none of them have been able to reveal the compatibility of the verse with science.

Knowing that the heart has brain functions:
The human brain is never mentioned in the Qur'an because it is unknown. However, the brain is the organ that makes a person human. Since the brain is unknown, emotions and thoughts are stated as functions of the heart.
For example, in the 97th verse of Surah Baqarah; It is written that Gabriel revealed the Qur'an to the heart of the prophet. Science has proven that information and memory are stored in the brain.
Again, in verse 260 of Surah Baqarah, it is written that Abraham asked Allah to show him how he raised the dead so that his heart would be satisfied. However, it is the brain that is satisfied and convinced, not the heart.
In many verses, the sealing of the heart is mentioned.
Council-24. Or do they say about you: "He forged a lie against Allah"? If Allah wills, He will seal your heart too. (…)
Tegabun-11. No calamity can happen without Allah's permission. Whoever believes in Allah, Allah guides his heart. Allah is all-knowing.
If guidance is to be given, the organ to be given should be the brain, not the heart. Islamists explain this by expressing love and compassion with the heart, even today. On the contrary, this form of expression was formed by religious beliefs. Some Islamists claim that the heart also has cerebral functions. There is no scientific basis for this claim. The heart is just an organ that pumps blood and has no brain functions. This mistake cannot be explained with ambiguity. Although a few verses about the heart are ambiguous, the fact that they are mentioned in this way throughout the Qur'an and in dozens of verses indicates that it is known as such.

Every living thing is created in pairs:
Zariyat-49. We have created out of everything (male and female) two wives so that you may reflect and take a lesson.
Not every living thing is a couple. Bacteria are beings that are many times more numerous and effective than all living things. They do not have a partner and reproduce by dividing. But it seems that the author of the Qur'an either does not know bacteria or viruses or does not count them as living things. Whip-tailed lizards have no males, only females.

8 pairs of animals were created for humans:
Zumer-6. He created you from a single soul, then created its mate from it; He has created for you eight pairs of animals. (…)
The number of animals that people benefit from is much more than eight. Although some Islamists claim that the verse refers to farm animals, 8 pairs of animals are still too few. In Surah Enam, it is also stated which of these 8 pairs of animals are:
Enam-143. He created eight pairs: a pair of sheep, a pair of goats. (…)
Enam-144. From camels and a couple of cattle. (…)
While people benefit from horses, donkeys, chickens, ducks, turkeys, rabbits, fish, llamas, kangaroos, deer, elephants and many other animals, it is interesting that only 4 types of animals are counted and expressed as 8 pairs.

Where pearls and corals grow in fresh water:
In the verses of the verses 19-22 of the chapter of Rahman and the verse 53 of the chapter of Furqan, which states that the two seas are swirled-mixed with each other, but there is an obstacle between them, it is written that the water of one sea is fresh water that is drinkable, and the other is brackish and salty water.
Rahman-22 writes that pearls and corals were grown in both. However, pearls and corals cannot grow in fresh water. Even if pearls are grown artificially, coral will never grow. It can be said that these verses are mutashabih. However, miracle-makers ignore the coral and pearl in the verse and try to present the two seas as a miracle.

No mention of those who grew up outside the Middle East:
All plants, animals and other natural creatures mentioned in the Qur'an are unique to the Middle East. There is no mention of animate and inanimate beings belonging to other regions. For example, the desert is mentioned, but the lake and forest are not mentioned. Natural events that are not seen in the region such as snow, ice, hail and fog are not mentioned in the Qur'an. No mention is made of extra-regional plant products such as oranges, tangerines, watermelons, melons, walnuts, hazelnuts, potatoes, and non-regional animals such as kangaroos, llamas, pelicans, and seals.

The sun sinking into a black mud:
Ancient societies did not know that the earth was a celestial body like the sun, moon and stars.
They thought that the sun moved with respect to the ground, and that it rose somewhere in the east and set somewhere in the west. Most people were unaware of this information, although some philosophers had discovered that it was the earth, not the sun, that was actually spinning. In the story of Dhul-Qarnayn, which is told in the Qur'an, it is written that the sun sinks into an eye of mud on earth.

Kahf-86. When he finally reached the place where the sun was setting, he found the sun setting in a black mud. (…)
From the verse; It is understood that there is a false information that sees the world as a vast place under the sky and thinks that the sun sinks into a mud hole in the west of the world due to an optical illusion. This verse is tried to be explained by Islamists as the appearance of the sun as if it were setting in the ocean. If it were, there would be the word "as if" in the verse, but it does not exist, and some interpreters add this word to the verse in parentheses.

The creation of the world longer and earlier than the entire universe:
It is now known that there are billions of galaxies in the universe and that each galaxy has billions of solar systems, and therefore there are countless planets like our earth. In the creation myths of ancient societies, which lacked this information, only heaven and earth are mentioned. A vast space below and the dome of the sky above. In Füssilet Surah, the creation of the earth and sky is explained from this point of view.
9. Say: “Are you really going to deny the One who created the earth in two days? Do you run spouses to Him at once? He is the Lord of all the worlds.
10. In four days, he created stable mountains rising on the earth, brought abundance and fertility there, and gave sustenance there in accordance with the needs of those who seek sustenance.
11. Then he rose up to the sky and when it was smoke, he said to him and to the ground: “Come both of you willingly!” said. Both: “We came willingly.” they said.
12. Thus he set them in place, seven heavens in two days, and revealed the command of their work (to the angels present) in each heaven. We have equipped and protected the world sky with lamps, this is always the discretion of the all-powerful and all-knowing.
In the verses, it is claimed that the world was created in four days, but 7 heavens, that is, the universe, in two days. Compared to the universe; Can the claim that the creation of the world, which is like a pebble in the ocean, was created both before the universe and in twice the time of the universe, be it scientific?

Where stars are shot grains for demons:
Property-5. Surely We have adorned the nearest sky (to the world) with lamps. We made these fireballs for the devils and prepared for them the torment of flaming fire.
The star meant by the oil lamp. But it is as if it is unknown what the star is. They are thought to be very small. The sun and the stars are thought differently. The big star is maybe 30-40 times the size of the world, but in the verse he says it was made as a shot to the devils.

The sky is held so that it does not fall to the ground:
Hajj-65. Have you not seen that Allah has put all the earthly things at your service? And the ships sailing at sea at his command. He also keeps the sky from falling to the ground without his permission. Indeed, Allah is very kind to people, very merciful.

What scientist can say that if the sky is not eclipsed, the earth will fall on it?
Is it conceivable that billions of galaxies, quadrillions of stars and planets could fall to earth? But if the world is not an object in the sky, but the sky is thought to be above the world; It may be thought that those in the sky will fall to the ground, and the author of the Qur'an has also fallen into this error.
Is the width of heaven as wide as the heavens and the earth?
Ali Imran-133. Compete for forgiveness from your Lord and a Paradise whose width is as wide as the heavens and the earth; it has been prepared for the pious.
Since what is meant by Earth is planet earth; Since the earth is one of the other celestial bodies in space; It is an absurd expression to say "as much as the sky and the earth". This is due to the perception of the sky as a dome on the earth, as in the previous examples.

The moon is a light, a source of light:
Yunus-5. It is He who made the Sun a light. He also made the moon a light and appointed some mansions for it so that you may know the number of years and the reckoning of the times.

It is known that the moon is not a light, it only reflects the light it receives from the sun at night. But those who cannot see the moon during the day and see it illuminate at night think it is a light.
When the calculation is made according to the ratios given in the 11th and 12th verses of Nisa Surah in the Qur'an, it is seen that there is a mathematical error. Rates are incorrect and do not account.
In order to eliminate the rate errors, the courthouse and rejection method is used.
The fact that a mistake was made in the calculation of a ratio at the primary level is the most important proof that the Qur'an is a human product.

In the Qur'an, claims of miracles contrary to scientific laws, supernatural and superhuman abound.
The event of the destruction of the Abyssinian army, which marched on Mecca to destroy the Kaaba, by throwing stones from the Ababil birds sent by Allah.

Let me ask you questions now.
When did this event happen?
Your answer is the year the prophet was born.
If there was no Islam then, which religion was the true religion?
Your answer is Christianity.
Now let's come to another question. What was in the Kaaba before the birth of the Prophet?
Answer: idols.
So why did Allah protect not the Christians of the People of the Book who believed in him, but the infidels who set up partners with him and filled the Kaaba with 360 idols?
You will say that the family of the prophet was hanif.
Answer: no, the grandfather of the prophet, his father and uncles, and they were all pagans.
Name of Prophet's uncle Abdul Uzza (Uzza's servant)
If Abdulmuttalip, the grandfather of the Prophet, and a hanif, why would he call his child the servant of the idol?
Aren't you tired of these fairy tales and fabrications?

Conclusion: Even a single scientific error in a book claimed to be universal is proof that that book cannot be universal. Moreover, there are dozens of unscientific verses in the Qur'an. Believing that what is written in a book dating back 1400 years is valid in every age and everywhere is as dangerous as it is wrong. Such a belief wants to make the outdated provisions of that book dominant. Such a belief sees this book as superior to all other books and puts science and scientific theories in the background. Contemporary governments want to enforce the primitive laws of 14 centuries ago instead of civilized laws.
As a matter of fact, from the date of the emergence of Islam to the present day, no development in the democratic direction has been observed in any country and in any period. Neither establishing a secular and democratic social order nor social development is possible based on the Qur'an. Because the Qur'an does not allow for rationalism and going out of theocratic systems, and it does not give an opportunity to attempts to develop economically. The situation of Islamic countries in today's world is proof of this. There is not a single Islamic country among the developed and developed countries. Moreover, all of them lack democratic governments. There are still countries where women are not given the right to vote, where women are not allowed to work or drive. It is not a coincidence that even slavery in the world was last abolished in Saudi Arabia.


- The only known function of the hymen for now is to protect the child from genital infection until puberty by closing the vaginal entrance. After puberty, the vaginal pH decreases with the effect of hormones and the risk of infection decreases due to the acidic environment. According to social norms, the hymen is a symbol of virginity. The hymen is in our body to protect us from germs biologically. Its sole purpose is not to reveal the sex life of girls.

- Circumcision is the biggest nonsense that can be done to a man. Nothing is too much in the body. If the skin on the penis is excess, then the skin on the elbow is also excess. cut it too. Both are not redundant my friend. one is for bending the arm, the other is for erecting the penis without stretching. It is not beneficial for health either. What happens to the millions of uncircumcised men? is his dick falling? no. If you care about cleanliness, if you wash and wipe after you've met your needs, you won't get any germs. If you are not a clean person, that cut skin cannot save you either. already. If you want to take a nap, go take a nap of your own accord. no one has to cut here and there, though. accept God, evolution, or both. The acceptance of its necessity in all three options means that either God or the evolutionary process did their job wrong, so for both creationists and evolutionists, the pertinence of circumcision is a farce.
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