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The Matrix 3 Review
The Matrix is the basis for many science fiction films in the past decade, and it now has its own fanbase. The original movie series debuted in the latter part of the nineties, with the second movie in particular being the highly acclaimed Neo. Neo is an orphan who lives in a cardboard box in Zion. In the box, he discovers the truth about how humanity has taken advantage of nature and started to destroy the world in order to live in an ideal utopia.

George Clooney's enthralling narration of Neo's journey across desert to reach the Machines is a wonderful example of the power of George Clooney's storytelling. The audience follows him. The original trilogy creates a captivating spell on the viewers as they are taken by the scenery in a way never seen before in a science fiction movie. The scenery is breath taking as the scenery around is unlike anything seen in any other film. The film's artificial landscapes are stunning and enhance the visual effects, making them appear more realistic and well-thought-out.

The first trilogy of Matrix films have taken the world by storm, and they have done it very successfully making a cult following of the film. The Matrix Revolutions is the third film in the trilogy. It offers a new perspective on the Matrix. The Machines attempt to control the people once more in this film. As Neo jumps between planes searching for those who will join him being pursued and beat by the Machines comprised of Neo's memories from the past. The plot and storyline became much more involving as the story progressed.

The Machines were the human beings who were in the matrix to seek the way to enlightenment. Later, they became the evil system which seeks out to destroy the world. The first film did an excellent job of explaining the concept of matrix and describing how Neo was born and how he was so lost in it that he became part of the matrix. The second film gave more details and detail about the Machines, and how they became the people that humans sought. The third film tells the story from the perspective of Neo. It's a well written and directed movie which makes this series more thrilling and thrilling.

Matrix เดอะ เมท ริก ซ์ ภาค 2 The film begins with Neo awake from a sleep-like state after being unconscious for throughout the night. He wakes in an apartment that belonged to his father, discovers an odd box, and travels to the spot where the first film was shot, but the Machines haven't been seen there for a long time. He encounters Trinity an innocent girl who seeks his assistance in fighting the Machines and saving her father. But he refuses and she fights by herself. Neo eventually joins Smith, who was also alone when he discovered the location for the Machines. Together, they fight their way through the complex and eventually find the root of the issue The source is the device known as the Matrix.

In the third film, we discover that Neo is unsure of his mission. When asked by Smith to explain why he should help the Machines instead of staying and doing what he is best at, Neo snaps and goes after Smith with his gun in his hand. But, before Neo is able to do anything, he is confronted by a group of military soldiers who instantly kill him. This prompts Smith to download the Matrix into his computer system so he can continue to fight the Machines. The film reveals a more ambitious plan that involves Neo and the Machines who are after the Bank of Humanity and are using the original Matrix Master Program to control the mass of. The plot revolves around Neo finding the Matrix's owner and activating it to rule the world.

The Matrix trilogy offers a fascinating philosophical debate about ethics and the human condition. Through the trilogy, Neo questions his morality and the nature of reality. Smith is shown to be a flawed person with no sense of morality and is a hero of the classics. Smith provides the perfect foil to Neo who believes that everything is predetermined and that there is no need for effort to change the course of events. The philosophy lesson from The Matrix trilogy makes for an older and more realistic view of the character and what can be done to alter the course of the course of history.

Overall, the film has very little in terms of plot development. The films are short and repetitive, which could make it tedious to watch the same sequences over and over again. The trinity, however, is still a highly recommendable film. It's enjoyable and entertaining film that conveys a profound message about mankind and the philosophy.

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