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The Public Works Department (PWD) has failed to build approach roads to a bridge on the Mol Khud, which connects Tikka Nihang and Government Degree College with Palampur. These factors led to the disparity in the results observed from Griffing s and Hayman s approach. The estimates of genetic components of variances as per Griffing s approach indicated partial dominance in seeds per pod and overdominance in all the other traits. KU-553 was the most desirable parent as it exhibited significant GCA effect for most of the traits viz., branches per plant, pods per plant, pod length, biological yield, seed yield and crude protein. The combining ability analysis revealed significant GCA and SCA variances for all the traits except pod length, indicating that most of the traits were governed by both additive and non-additive gene action. Novel RAPD and ISSR bands appeared in the RILs indicating the occurrence of genetic changes in the genome of the progenies.
Seven RILs were found to be resistant for Cercospora leaf spots, 8 RILs highly resistant to anthracnose leaf spots and 1 RIL resistant to powdery mildew. Watermelon chlorotic stunt virus (WmCSV) and tomato leaf curl Palampur virus (ToLCPMV) are limiting factors for cucurbit production in south and southeastern Iran. The Palampur metavolcanics (PV) in the northwest Himalaya are part of the Late Archaean (2.5 Ga) Rampur flood basalt province (RFBP) which represents one of the oldest manifestation of worldwide mafic magmatism. Nine urdbean genotypes were crossed in a half diallel, following Griffing s Method 2 and Model I. Experimental material comprising of nine parents, 36 F1 s and one check (Palampur-93) were evaluated in CRBD with three replications in kharif 2017 at Palampur. Abstract: The present investigation entitled Studies on combining abilitygene action for seed yield its component traits in urdbean (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) was undertaken to study the nature and magnitude of gene action for yield and its component traits and to identify potential parents that can be utilized in a breeding programme for high seed yield and early maturity. Two crosses viz., Him Mash-1 × HPBU-111 and HPBU-124 × IC-413304 exhibited high magnitude of heterobeltiosis for earliness.

HPBU-124 × KU-553, HPBU-124 × IC-413304, HPBU-111 × KU-553, DU-1 × KU-553, DU-1 × DKU-98, DU-1 × IC-413304 and KU-553 × IC-413304 outperformed Palampur-93 for seed yield and can be further exploited to obtain high yielding transgressive segregants. DU-1 was good general combiner with respect to early flowering; Him Mash-1 and DKU-98 for early maturity; HPBU-111 and KU-553 for number of branches per plant and pods per plant; and DU-1 and KU-553 for seed yield. Promising crosses with respect to seed yield and its component traits were HPBU-124 × HPBU-111, Palampur-93 × DU-1, HPBU-124 × DU-1, HPBU-111 × IC-281994, DU-1 × DKU-98 and DU-1 × IC-413304. HPBU-124 × DKU-98 also had high SCA effect and heterobeltiosis for seed yield per plant along with resistance to all the three diseases. Palampur-93 × HPBU-111, Him Mash-1 × HPBU-111 × HPBU-124 × DKU-98 and HPBU-111 × DKU-98 had moderate to high resistance reaction to anthracnose, Cercosporaleaf spots and powdery mildew under natural epiphytotic conditions at Palampur. 61537;-Design with three replications and data was recorded on seed yield per plant and various other morphometric traits, crude protein and reaction to various diseases under natural epiphytotic conditions. The soil of the test site was acidic in reaction (pH-5.6), silty clay loam in texture and medium in available nitrogen (284.8 kg ha-1), phosphorus (14.6 kg ha-1) and potassium (268.0 kg ha-1).

Surface (0-0.15 m) and sub surface (0.15-0.30 m) soil samples taken after the harvesting of wheat (2008-2009) were analyzed for different forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. like soil fertility and groundwater are destroyed and it is very difficult to restore them. Each room is equipped with modern amenities like a widescreen TV, a writing desk, and a minibar. A large living room and open balconies act as common areas to unwind. Vast areas of green foliage resulting out of a variety of tea plants are peppered throughout the town. You can find majestic view of tea gardens on your drive to this property. It is also called the Tea Capital of north India. Q.21. Who is a person who puts together land, labour and capital? Instead he said to his father, “The money is not borrowed, but I’ve earned it through hard labour. Among the three factors of production, we found that labour is the most abundant factor of production. Twenty three lines were found to be significantly superior for crude protein. Dominance appeared to be unidirectional in case of days to 75 per cent maturity, plant height, branches per plant, pods per plant, biological yield per plant, seed yield per plant and crude protein content and bi-directional in rest of the traits.
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