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If signing a death release form makes you think twice about getting a cosmetic procedure like breast augmentation, Congratulations!. With any surgical procedure, elective or necessary, you will be asked to sign a "death release" form and maybe even a power of attorney form as well. These are to free the surgeon from any responsibility in case of your unfortunate death. Also, the power of attorney form also designates someone to deal with your body if you were to die or become unable to wake up from your surgery.
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Pretty eye opening, right? Well, certainly people do it all the time. Yet, every time you have surgery you take the risk of being the next painful statistic. Why take that risk if you don't have to? Especially, considering an elective procedure like breast surgery?

True, events such as death and coma are rare, but they do happen and they happen more times than we might read about in the newspaper or magzines or see on the news. Most such occurrences of injury or death occur from the process of anesthetics, with general anesthesia being the most risky. In any case, if death isn't frightening enough, many women often have to cope with raging infections after breast enhancement surgeries that can cause massive damage to bodily organs, skin, and wreak havoc on the immune system.

Cosmetic breast surgery can deliver effective results quickly, but the risks, costs, and pain of going under the knife is often an (intellegent) deterent. The average breast surgery can cost approximately $5000 to $8000 for just the bare minimum in procedures. The cost of pain medications and follow up treatments may increase the amount significantly. And even after all the pain and expense. and eveb though the surgery might deliver quick results, a significant number of patients still remain unsatisfied with the results because they feel they actually chose the wrong sized breasts to be implanted. Whether they are too big or still too small, the patient has no choice but to stay with the change or elect to have a second painful and expensive surgery after she is fully healed from her first surgery.

Post Surgery Complications Can Be High Stakes

Many times complications during the post-surgery period. This is common enough to warrant more research if you plan to go under the knife. There are times, for example, when the body simply rejects the implants. Our bodies, acting naturally, try to dispel anything that is foreign to it, including silicone breast implants. The body starts to create a calcified substance that surrounds the implants and hardens around it. This can often be painful and begin to protrude from the skin and make the breast look very bumpy.

Another common post surgery issue is that the silicone implant can "bottom out." This is where the implant loses the support it has from tissue and basically slips out of its support base. More surgery would then be required to correct the situation. Also, a rippling effect might occur that disrupts the contours of the skin on the breast which would require another surgery.

Considering the cost, pain, and potential complications of breast surgery, the question is: are there any affordable and natural breast enhancement alternatives? Fortunately, there have been incredible gains in science and research. The ability to naturally increase your breast size is certainly no longer wishful thinking for women. A leading brand is Triactol, which is proven to increase your breast size naturally. Safe and effective, Triactol can be an incredible way to increase your breast size naturally.

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