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afirmational notes
coming from a place of curiosity and experimentation
i generate feelings of playfulness and excitement
i know that it’s already there
its hiding in plain sight, waiting for me to notice it and pick it up
i have found a different perceptual frequency spectrum that has made the money visible
i need to tune my senses to bring to my attention to the money that I've been subconsciously dismissing as irrelevant background noise
in this money abundance frequency there is free wealth everywhere

Desire is about what i wish to create. its a vibe of passion, excitement, and lust. It’s a delicious pool of emotions i summon by focusing on a new target. The stronger my desire, the better.

Detachment, When i become too attached to when and how my desires shows up, i detach from the manifesting process. Instead of holding the vibe of playfulness and abundance, i start sending out signals like concern, worry, and stress. Don’t do that!
Would you become stressed and worried if you couldn’t find enough coins on the ground? Would that vibe improve your performance? No, that would only lower your performance.

When i notice that im getting frustrated, pause, breathe, and go back to the desire side. Hold that vision of the creation i wish to experience, and wallow in the positive sensations of being there in my heart, mind, and spirit. Know that physical reality will soon catch up, as long as i keep holding the right vibe state.

When i feel moved to take action from a place of passion and excitement, not stress, then i will go ahead and let those actions flow through. i will Follow my impulses.
i am completely 100% dominant over money and that money is completely 100% submissive to me
im in total command of it
If i order it to show up, it must obey me. It has no power of its own. It cannot refuse me
When i manifest money, im COMMANDING it to come into my reality. im the CREATOR
money is nothing but a number. How could it possibly be more powerful than a conscious human being such as myself? it cant. it has no voice other than my voice.
money will not make me stronger for it has no strength. it is a toy a tool and a game. in abundance its what i find fun and explore. All the power and strength is within me, never out there.
have gratitude
if i go to the store and feel that i have to buy the cheep stuff insteed of the healthy then thats solidifying my past as the future.
i hold the vibe that i am grateful for what i am able to take and that i appreciate its abundance
i Feel appreciative that such food exists and that it’s within my budget
i Praise myself for succeeding at what im already manifesting, and then i command my senses to adjust to a more abundant part of the spectrum of reality. i am patient with myself
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Regards; Team

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