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How to Whipped Shea Butter
How to Whipped Shea Butter

If you are like me, you will stick with one method of doing something once you have learned it. Whipping shea butter is no different: I first learned to dissolve it completely, then add other ingredients (carrier oils, vitamin E, essential oils), place in the fridge to partially solidify, and then whisk to perfection. This is a video I made following this process:

After a few years of this process, the problem was space and time. If you have only a small amount of product (about 1-2 pounds), melting, cooling, and whipping can take several hours. This results in beautiful formations.

However, when you start dissolving 5-10 pounds of shea butter and other ingredients, it starts to be overwhelming: it takes a long time for your double-boiler system to melt the butter slowly, removing it from the heat without spilling it, it's annoying, and finding a place in Your refrigerator is another challenge (by the way, be sure to cover the container with the melted shea meat when you place it in the refrigerator, or catch some odors from other stored items). It was then that I realized that I needed a separate room with a stove, refrigerator and stove to whip up my skin care products. Or edible butter. Or cream cheese.
How can you melt and whip shea butter properly?

My debut shea video was made after I realized that although the above technique initially gave it an airy texture, whipped shea Butter would become more solid than regular, non-whipped shea. Fast forward to the gazilion experiments, I later came up with the right sequence that gives whipped butter that stays whipped. Here are the steps to make your melt and whip up perfect shakes. If you do it right, the air bubbles that you introduce into the body butter during whipping will remain, resulting in a stable fluffy structure. Of course, if your body butter doesn't melt into a liquid due to the hot weather, the whipped effect will disappear - welcome to the world of truly natural skin care.

Slowly dissolve the shea butter in a double cooker (bain-marie in French or bagno maria in Italian) and dissolve it over a low heat. It's not a good idea to burn butter, so make sure it's stable and slow.
Turn off the fire and remove the butter from the burner. It's possible to add carrier oils or vitamin E at this point, but essential oils are not recommended.
To speed up cooling, either place the container in an ice bucket or set it aside.
While it cools to room temperature, stir occasionally. This should take about 23 degrees Celsius
Add essential oils as needed
Whips! That's right, you whip while it's still liquid. I'm not sure about the science behind it, but if you skip this step, it won't turn out so well
Put in the fridge until completely solid
Let it cool in the refrigerator before you take it out.
And you're done!
You can now scoop the shea butter into the final containers, or you can pour the whipped butter into a zippered bag, cut off the corner at the end and then squeeze into the jars.

While you get a great end product, the downside is that this process takes hours depending on the size of your dose.
How to save time: shea butter cold whipped

I don't want to keep it a secret until the end of this article, so let me tell you that cold-blown shea butter looks exactly like shea butter. Here's the proof:

Zoom in and see the exact same structure. This is how cold-beat shea butter was created above.

Cut shea butter into small pieces
You can place pieces of shea in a bowl, or rack such as KitchenAid.
Start whisking it high, scrape off the butter that sticks to the sides and whisk until it looks homogeneous.

Add carrier oils and essential oils slowly to the bowl and beat it until smooth.
And you're done!
Now you can scoop the shea butter into your final containers. Or, you can put the whipped butter in a ziplock bag and cut off the corner.

This is a different method to melting and whipping. It takes approximately 1 hour, depending on how large your dose. whipping butter from Cold Whip

Below is a whipped butter bobble that was made from slowly dissolving shea butter. These two images are not identical twins.

Whipped shea butter using the Melt & Whip method
The cold whipping method only applies to soft butters

You can find unrefined Shea Butter here

Cold whipping can only be done on soft butters such as shea butter and mango butter. I use unrefined shea butter or 100% pure mango butter, which you can find here.

These butters can vary in hardness depending on the season. However, shea butter and mango butter can easily be cut into small pieces and placed in a bowl. Once whipped, they will not melt. Some butters such as coca and cocoa, as well as waxes that are in your skin care prescription, may require melting.

We're done with today's tutorial! I hope you have learned something new, I would like to hear from you in the comments: what is your way of making body butter? What are your questions? If you would also like more information and recipes for self-care skin care products, I have an ebook that you can download for free here

Thanks again for stopping!

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