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POTUS Bill Clinton
Early Life - 1946 - Now
Born August 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas
Father died months before Bill Clinton born
Grandparents taught Bill how to do everything.
Bill was a saxophonist like me.
Attended Hot Springs High School
He was elected the Arkansas representative to the American Legion's Boys Nation
He got a chance to meet Mr.President( John F. Kennedy )
Bill attended Georgetown University for international affairs. (Politics Starts)
After Bill attended Georgetown, he got a really good scholarship to go to Britain to be a graduate student at Oxford University
He then had a job at UA (Unversity of Arkansas).
He went immediately in politics.
After that, he ran for Governor for 4 consecutive terms.
Married Hillary Rodham (Now Hillary Clinton)
One child - Chelsea Clinton.
Presidency - 1992 - 2000
In the election, Bill Clinton won easily due to George H. W. Bush did not fulfil his promise; he will not raise taxes. During his first term of presidency, Bill Clinton had a major downside. Bill Clinton wanted to provide HealthCare for everyone in the U.S.

However, he had a political comeback. He did many great things. He signed a Violent Crime Control and Enforcment act that added 100,000 policemen and being more strict about penalities. He also increased the minimum wage for workers.

In his second term, He defeated Republican Bob Dole in 1996. He then led the biggest econimical comeback in the history of U.S. (This is why I chose Bill Clinton) In this time, there was the lowest unemployment rates, lowest inflation rates, and the highest home ownership in the history of U.S.

Although, there are these good things, he lost some of his reputation upon scandals.

After the Presidency -
He was still very active in helping the People and installing his very own foundation (William J. Clinton foundation). Through this foundation, he created the Clinton Climate Initative, which researchs about combat climate change. He has a mission he wants to accomplish, "to alleviate poverty, improve global health, strengthen economies and protect the environment by fostering partnerships among governments, businesses, nongovernmental organizations and private citizens." He also wrote a autobiography bestseller "My Life". The surprising thing is I have that book.

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