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One day during his visit
to London, King Jai Singh
was walking in casual
dress in Bond Street. He
saw a Rolls Royce
showroom and went
inside to inquire about
the Price and Features
etc of their cars.
Considering him a just
another Poor Indian
citizen, showroom
salesmen insulted him
and almost showed him
the way out of the
showroom. After this
insult, King Jai Singh
came back to his Hotel
room and asked his
servants to call the
showroom that King of
#Alwar_city is
interested in purchasing
their few Cars.
After few hours King
reached the Rolls Royce
showroom again but
with his full astonishing
royal manner and in his
royal costume. Until he
reached the showroom
there was already red
carpet on the floor and
all the salesmen were
bent with respect. The
King purchased all the
six cars that they had
at showroom at that
time and paid full
amount with delivery
After reaching India,
King ordered municipal
department to use all
those six Rolls Royce
cars for cleaning and
transporting city’s
waste. World’s number
one Rolls Royce cars
were being used for
transportation of City’s
waste, the news
spread all over the
world rapidly and the
reputation of Rolls
Royce Company was in
Whenever someone
used to boast in Europe
or America that he
owned a Rolls Royce,
people used to laugh
saying, “which one?
The same that is used
in India for carrying the
waste of the City?”
Due to such reputation
damages, sales of Rolls
Royce dropped rapidly
and revenue of
company owners
started falling down.
Then they sent a
Telegram to the king in
India for apologies and
requested to stop
transportation of
waste in Rolls Royce
cars. Not only this but
they also offered Six
new cars to king free
of cost.
When King Jai Singh
observed that Rolls
Royce has learnt a
lesson and they are
sorry for their
mistakes, king stopped
using those cars for
carrying wastes.
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power of an Indian
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