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Some of the most prominent critics of the last decade's sprawling Russiagate news coverage are sharpening their knives after the indictment of a Democratic lawyer for allegedly lying to the FBI about a possible Donald Trump-Russia link in 2016.
"Although [Michael] Sussmann faces just one count on a false statement charge, the 27-page charging document offers an expansive window into how the Russiagate scam began, and how Democratic operatives, intelligence officials, and establishment media figures dishonestly fed it to the public," progressive journalist Aaron Maté wrote.
Sussmann, who was until recently a partner at the Democratic-aligned Perkins-Coie law firm, is accused by the John Durham probe into the Russia investigation of lying about working "for any client" when he presented evidence to FBI officials of a purported secret communications channel between Donald Trump through a Trump Organization server and the Kremlin-linked Alfa Bank. Sussmann was at the time working for the Hillary Clinton campaign.
There is a startling media story springing from the lengthy indictment: A Slate story, which was first sent to the research firm that spearheaded the infamous Christopher Steele dossier before publication, was peddled by the Clinton campaign as a possible smoking gun of Trump-Russia collusion, and was initially planted by a Clinton campaign lawyer. According to the indictment, the FBI later found the server in question didn't belong to the Trump Organization, but rather was administered by a mass marketing email company.
Defenders of the probe accused the Durham probe of a politically motivated prosecution, but for critics across the spectrum, it's another black eye for the press that feverishly pushed one Russia story after another.
"The corrupt media's regurgitation of outlandish and unsubstantiated claims that Donald Trump was planning to steal or had stolen the 2016 election by colluding with Russia discredits the entire industry," The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway told Fox News Digital. "That they gave themselves awards and promotions and acclaim for amplifying lies secretly financed by the Clinton campaign and weaponized by politicized government bureaucrats further discredits them."
Slate reported on the allegations on Oct. 31, 2016, with a lengthy article by Franklin Foer headlined, "Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?" Although it reached no conclusions, the Clinton campaign seized on the report as a smoking gun of supposed collusion with Russia, with the election less than two weeks away.
Clinton campaign policy adviser Jake Sullivan - who is now President Biden's national security adviser - called it the "secret hotline" that was perhaps "the key to unlocking the mystery of Trump's ties to Russia."
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