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Edamame Can Help Weight Loss Plans
Edamame is a popular ingredient in cooking that is very popular in many Asian countries. It's a kind of yellow-headed beans that are commonly found in Japan, Korea and other Asian countries. Edamame It's part of the Soybean family, Soybean being the most important legume for humankind. It is high in protein but low on the glycemic index. It has an aroma of nutty sweetness and is usually served with soy sauce.

Edamame refers to "surgery" in Japanese. It is actually a disaccharide sugar made from soybeans (genetically programmed to produce a particular amino acid). The bean itself is high in protein (at at least 18 times more than corn beans), fats and carbohydrates. Tofu has been made from soybeans (and edamame), for more than 40 years. Today, soybean extract is often added to stir-fry and is sometimes added to breads and starches as well.

Edamame is considered to be an exquisite food. Edamame can be steamed or eaten raw. In Japan, it's often served with asparagus, rice and pickles, as well as fish. It is often eaten in China with vegetables and meat. In Korea it's usually added to soups and is served plain, without sauces.

Edamame can be frozen or preserved. Although it is typically consumed raw, the uncooked pods are readily available in a few Asian markets. Certain Asian supermarkets sell dried edamame. Fresh edamame can be eaten as its own, but dried edamame is best served with fresh soy sauce.

Japanese Soybean soup with Edamame Although tofu isn't technically an actual bean, it can be used as one to enhance the flavor of soup. Edamame is known to lose its flavor after being cooked. Many Asian lovers of soy bean soup steer clear of the artificial flavors used in American-made tofu and instead rely on a Japanese product known as mochi, or sweetened rice. The sweetened rice is often added before the beans.

It is important to buy Edamame that is clean and natural. Soy beans themselves are rather indigestible and don't always maintain their full flavor. Soy sauce isn't always a great substitute since it contains lots of sugar. Certain Asian grocery stores offer edamame pods that have been soaked in bags. These packets are great but unless your abilities in preparing edamame dishes are advanced, it may be better to purchase the dry variety in small containers.

Another great alternative is to use edamame flakes or even a cup of shelled soybeans, which includes edamame pods. Shelled soy, like the one used to make sushi, is much cheaper than the real thing. Shelled soy, including edamame has the advantage of keeping the original flavor than other kinds. This makes for more delicious soups or mocha. Instead of relying on salty cookies and crackers, soak the shelled Edamame pods.

The main reason you should choose to use shelled edamame contains more protein is because it is rich in the protein keratin that your body requires to make protein and other biochemical processes. Protein is essential to build muscle. Even a few grams daily of protein can make you feel fuller and more satisfied throughout the day. If you're not trying to build muscle, using shelled edamame contains no nutrients for body builders , but will still provide you with plenty of protein to consume daily. This makes it an excellent supplement to your diet.

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