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FAQ About EFT - Part II
More frequently asked questions on EFT:
Can perform international calls EFT or do it surrogately or through intention? If so can we need permission?
There is great anecdotal evidence to claim that surrogate, remote, or intentional EFT towards others works. With regard to asking permission, I think it is a personal issue that only you can go for yourself. If you feel you should, then do. See the next question for more applying for grants if long-distance EFT is a good idea.
Are there Can Energy Medicine Prevent Alzheimer's? or reactions?
EFT is quite gentle and rarely has any serious side effects. That doesn't mean that there won't be any perils associated with a negative reaction or bad side effect. Be aware when utilizing EFT on yourself or on another individual that there is often a possibility and never cope with serious issues if you do not contain the appropriate experience for this. Discuss this with a person with whom you operate.
How does EFT alter from Thought Field Therapy (TFT)?
TFT resembles EFT but involves learning 10 or 15 different tapping routines. Each of these routines or algorithms cover a unique issue ( trauma, phobias, depression, etc). Anything which won't fall under one of these simple categories covered by a prescribed routine (for example insomnia, TMJ, or dyslexia) takes a diagnosis. EFT uses one tapping routine to cover all issues and won't require diagnosis.
Are EFT's results due to placebo effects?
No. For placebo effect to function it takes some belief that the process will continue to work. Most people that are not used to EFT do not have this belief.
Does EFT just distract people in the issue?
No. In fact, people practicing EFT mustn't be distracted. They must focus on what they are doing and it of their awareness for your process to function. This is why why have a very reminder phrase.
Can I succeed with "just the basic principles?"
You can succeed with the fundamentals. However, the more you use EFT many times the need to get a greater comprehension of the procedure and how to handle it when you find yourself not making the progress you need and why this might be happening. It is often on account of not being specific enough.
Does it matter if the EFT practitioner is skeptical?
It may make a positive change in some instances. In the same way optimism might over-report successes, skepticism might under-report them or, if not making progress, may not look deeper to function through the issue and get on the heart of the matter to unravel the problem. Rather, the skeptic might accept failure because that maybe what they expected. In simple cases it likely wouldn't make a positive change.
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