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The Hunger Games Film Series has lasted longer than expected
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, the first book of the highly acclaimed series that explores the amazing talent hunt in a post-apocalyptic society in which human children are being forced to fight until the very end to escape their most horrific reality The first book of the wildly successful series of books. Katniss Everdeen volunteers to honor her family, after her sister passed away during the revolution. She is an enchanted power that can save the Capitol and her ability to do these things grows with the advent of conflict. Her desire to be a hero arouses as well. Meanwhile, Peeta Mellark, a young man from the south of the country, who dreams of becoming a tribute champion is on the scene and joins in the fight. They form the core group of unlikely heroes of our time.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire was an enormous success, earning millions of dollars around the world and attracting a number of people to multiplexes. The film franchise was an immediate sensation, so much so that there was talk of a sequel with female tributes to the first film. Fans were hoping for a sequel where they could return to the same districts that were depicted in the novel. According to Wes Ball, the plans were scrapped.

The film was released as a direct-to DVD release. This meant that it would only be available in cinemas for a short time. It was therefore not able to promote the movie like it would have been in the past with multiple advance screenings and advertising campaigns. The Hunger Games franchise is still very popular however it's unlikely the film will get any extra publicity as it approaches its first anniversary. Anyone who is interested in seeing the movie without having to wait for its release date should check the internet for ways to watch it.

Because The Hunger Games: Catching Fire did not break the bank at the box office, it's expected to make a healthy return on the box office in the next few weeks. It also won a variety of awards such as best film and the best animated film at 2012 Academy Awards. Combined with the critical acclaim it's receiving, it's helped create a buzz about the sequel due out in the near future. It's a must to see it as soon as you can if you haven’t already. It won't be something you will regret.

filming began in early March, and principal photography will continue throughout the summer. Once the first film is complete, principal photography will shift to September for the next. There's no release date set for that film, but it's anticipated to be released in late 2014 or early 2015. When the second half of the film is finished the whole film will be made simultaneously.

There are many exciting new faces from the first film, like Thomas Brodie-Sangster Elizabeth Banks, Shea Sheppard, Aidan Gillen, Kevin Pollack, and Jack Balet. Jenniferoglobin and Alexander Flores, Paula Sage and Meryl Streep will all be returning for the sequel. The returning actors from the first installment of The Hunger Games include Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Nicholas Quayle, Lysadal Tarly, Donnery Greengrass, Sawyer Levere and many more. Haylie Duff and Ensifer Ellwood are also familiar faces.

There's no doubt that filming will be a thrilling experience for those who have enjoyed the first three Hunger Games films. ดูหนังออนไลน์ฟรี I especially loved the first film and hope that the sequel lives up to the excitement. I'm looking forward to seeing what all the new faces are going to bring to the next films. It will be interesting to discover the direction Suzanne Collins takes the story. I am a huge fan of the books. I'm also hoping that the books themselves are brought into the movies in some creative way.

Naturally, I'm excited about the possibility that there will be another thrilling Hunger Games installment. After the first film, the franchise seemed to take a back seat. But, the sequel is sure to live up to the high standards of the first film and I'm looking ahead to seeing who else from the series will appear in the final two films. I've always been a fan of the books and I hope the two sequels meet my expectations of The Hunger Games.

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