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Jews believe men and women are equal- rules are neutral
Islam- Traditional, women is caretaker, the man is the provider, but they are equals in spirit. Socially they are expected to act differently as far as clothing of course as far as religious clothing like the Burqa
Well I mean of course where like a mix between Christianity and like of course there is *laughs* So.... Um well as far as the Islam religion, women and men are spiritual equals- ties to social part where only men are allowed to be super involved in the church, you know like women aren't allowed to be priests but they are allowed to promote the church, you know like they aren't allowed to be as influential as men are. So... you know that's kinda where I'm at with that, but I'm kinda just making observations right now.
Jews- Don't believe that Jesus has come yet.
Hannah's bored.
Christianity- only way to be cleansed from sinned is through faith in Jesus.
Islam- Pray five times a day (words you use- how you say/do things)
Some groups of christianity believes that God can take more than one form.
All consider Jerusalem a holy city.
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