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[ upbeat music ] Look, Marissa, we’ve arrived.
Chapultepec Castle!
No, it’s my treat.
Two tickets, please.
skip to Two tickets are sixty-four pesos.
Here’s a hundred pesos.
One hundred minus sixty-four is thirty-six pesos change.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you, Felipe! You’re welcome.
This is Mexico City.
Who are you looking for?
Juan Carlos and Miguel. We need to study today.
Hi, Felipe.
Hi. Meet Marissa.
She’s studying in Mexico this year.
Oh, yes, the girl from the United States.
Pleased to meet you. The pleasure is mine.
And where is Miguel?
Hey, guys! I’m sorry.
No problem. Look, this is Marissa.
Hi, Marissa. Delighted to meet you.
Hey, Marissa, how many classes are you taking?
I’m taking four classes: Spanish, history, literature, and also geography.
I like Mexican culture a lot.
And, well, my major is archeology.
This year I hope to get good grades.
And, of course, to travel through the country.
And you guys, where are you from?
I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Miguel is from Spain.
The three of us are very far from home.
And you, what are you studying, Miguel?
I’m majoring in art history.
I like to draw.
Juan Carlos is studying environmental science.
And Felipe, of course, is studying business administration.
Marissa, you speak Spanish very well.
Thank you, Miguel.
And without a dictionary.
And where is your dictionary?
At the Díaz’s house.
Felipe needs to practice his English.
Oh, Maru!
Guys, we’ll see each other later.
Bye. Bye.
Let’s sit here. OK.
Juan Carlos, who teaches chemistry this semester?
Let’s see, where is the schedule?
Pens, books.
Which piece of paper is it?
Here, just a moment, here.
Professor... Morales.
Oh, why am I taking chemistry and computer science?
Because you like homework.
Mondays and Wednesdays, economics at two-thirty.
You take computer science on Tuesday afternoons, and chemistry, let’s see, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
At ten? Ugh!
Yes, I take chemistry with Professor Morales.
He teaches chemistry in a laboratory without windows!
In class, I like to be near the window.
And Felipe likes to be between the clock and the door.
And Miguel, when is he coming back?
Hmm. Today he’s studying with Maru.
Who is Maru?
Hi, Mom. How are you?
How are things?
Well, Miguel is here.
Yes, I need...
OK, Mom. Goodbye, Mom.
Are you talking to your mother?
My mom does the talking. I listen.
It’s one-thirty.
Oh, I’m sorry. Juan Carlos and Felipe...
Oh, Felipe.
And now, where to? To the library?
Yes, but first to the bookstore. I need to buy some books.
Perfect. The library is next door.
In this episode you heard the characters talk about their classes...
Hey, Marissa, how many classes are you taking?
I’m taking four classes: Spanish, history, literature, and also geography.
discuss schedules...
Mondays and Wednesdays, economics at two-thirty.
You take computer science on Tuesday afternoons.
use ar verbs in the present tense...
Who are you looking for?
Juan Carlos and Miguel. We need to study today.
I like Mexican culture a lot.
form questions in Spanish...
Oh, why am I taking chemistry and computer science?
And now, where to? To the library?
use the verb estar in the present tense...
And where is Miguel?
The three of us are very far from home.
and use numbers 31 and higher.
One hundred minus sixty-four is thirty-six pesos chang
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