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List of Races

Pleasure you check the race before you mention the base for reservation.
Each Races are different abilities
Pick your abilities (just 3 for additional abilities) wisely based on your race and related with your race.

Dark Creature

We allow you to create what’s your dark creature want to be.
Dark Creature is belong to Vampire, Demon and Werewolf

- Illusion : Ability to alter or deceive the perceptions of another. Can be sensory, a light or sound-based effect, or an alteration of mental perceptions. May overlap with reality warping when it is possible to interact with the illusions.
- Mind control : ability to alter the perceptions of others, and general ability to control the actions of others with the mind.
- Power bestowal : Ability to bestow powers or jump-start latent powers.
- Telepathy : Ability to read the thoughts of, or to mentally communicate with others. Can hear/see the thoughts of other people, whether vampire or humans, and to a lesser extent. The ability seems to behave much like an extra sense and, like the other senses, is likely not under conscious control, they have learned how to use it. Can hear groups at a time, although they have stated that they have learned to drown out extra voices by focusing on one in particular. A stronger bond also allows them to hear something from a greater distance, though no greater than a few miles. They can also keep track of people within a few miles telepathically.
- Superhuman strength : Ability to have a level of strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions.
- Superhuman tracking : Ability to track an individual or object through supernatural means; sometimes referred to as "pathfinding"
- Superhuman speed : ability to move, run, fly, react, think, and sense at speeds much faster than a normal human.
- Mental Shield : Mental shield is so strong that it's been working without they knowing, most likely, since birth. It protects them from "gifts" that affect the mind. Through practice, they learned how to expand their shield in order to protect others when they became a vampire, causing around them to become immune to mental gifts. They can expand, retract, shape and mold her gift at will; virtually blanketing themself and those their protecting. They can also lift their shield off of their mind altogether. This power is under their conscious control.
- Mental Invisibility : Their power is to become mentally invisible to their pursuers. They can also use it to hide someone standing directly behind them. This power is very limited as it can be seen past by someone with a strong ability of focus.
- Elemental Manipulation : Their ability allows them to physically manipulate the four elements of nature with his will: fire, water, air, and earth. Their power is channeled through their mind and hands. (please pick one element only)

We have 3 clans of Fairy, there are Physical Fairy, Spiritual Fairy and Ethereal Fairy
Please pick one only for the clan and 3 abilities from the clan.
[Password: “Please Guard let me become the family ]

Physical Fairy
aren't necessarily solid matter, but they are material/energy beings with relatively defined/stable form and often at least somewhat human-like mind. Most users that aren't originally of faery stock have this variation. Note that faeries of this group aren't necessarily any weaker than those of the other groups, they are simply more "solid" in mind and body.

• Enhanced Condition or Supernatural Condition: Possess physical attributes that surpass normal humans..
o Enhanced Agility: Gain enhanced ability to perform feats of super speed and reflexes.
o Enhanced Dexterity: Make quick and precise movements in almost any situation.
o Enhanced Durability/Invulnerability: Become impervious to most forms of harm.
o Enhanced Strength: Gain enhanced strength.
• Malleable Anatomy: alter the body to a limited degree.
Spiritual Fairy
are completely spiritual beings, and thus far less bound to the laws of physics or single form. Many of them think in ways that are only tangentially relatable to humans, and their forms are both transient and often downright surreal.

• Cosmic Awareness: Have the mind become one with the universe.
• Empathy: Be able to perceive the emotions of others.
• Energy Manipulation: Generate/Control multiple forms of a high degree.
o Absorption: Absorb different forms of energy for defense or recharging purposes.
o Barriers: Set up energy shields that are nearly impenetrable.
o Blasts: Project energy blasts that can level a whole city.
o Constructs: Create a number of constructs that can assist in any situation.
• Enhanced Condition or Supernatural Condition: Gain superhuman attributes that surpass mere mortals.
• Invulnerability: Become nearly impervious to any type of harm.
• Malleable Anatomy/Shapeshifting: Alter the body to help with stealth or offensive situations.
• Spirit Physiology: Possess the physical form of a powerful Spirit.
o Flight: Defy gravity and fly at speeds of sound.
o Illusion Manipulation: cast powerful illusions that seem nearly real
o Intangibility: Phase through object and avoid attacks with ease.
o Possession: Enter a targets body and control their actions.
o Telekinesis: Psionically manipulate structures at an advanced level.
o Teleportation: Transport to a far location with merely a thought.

Ethereal Fairy
are often both the most powerful and ancient faeries, in some ways closer to sentient concepts representing aspects of nature than anything else. As such, relating to them in any way is likely impossible.

• Twilight Physiology: Possess the supernatural body that is natural for a being of Light and Darkness.
o Ethereal Form: Gain the form of a powerful ethereal being.
 Energy Perception: Possess the power to see all the energy that surround you.
 Extrasensory Perception: Posses senses that surpass those of normal people.
 Supernatural Condition: Possess the superior Physical/Mental attributes of a super being.
 Immortality: Go without the need for food, water, and air while becoming immune to things such as disease.
 Omni-Shifting: Wield limitless shapeshifting abilities.
 Possession: Enter a targets body to control them for any purpose
 Quintessence Force: Generate a limitless amount of energy for almost any kind of use.
• Twilight Manipulation: As ethereal beings that exist outside those of Light and Dark, wielders can control the ethereal energy that exists between both forces.
o Ethereal Manipulation: Have Master-level control over the "Universal Element/Energy".
 Mana/Life-Force Manipulation: Control the mystic force found in every form of Life and Creation.
 Dimensional Manipulation: Control Dimensional Energy for many uses.
 Energy Matter Manipulation: Possess a Transcendent level of control over a supernatural substance that works as both Energy and Matter.
 Space-Time Manipulation: Command the energies of Time and Space.
 Conjuration: Create/Summon anything the wielder desires.
 Resurrection: Wielder can resurrect any desired target.
 Subjective Reality: Control the border that exists between Fantasy and Reality.

Human is ordinary race, doesn’t have any special abilities but they take have a job.
Their Job are different eachs and they got money from their work.
But they have a special hidden power if you pick a job as Demon Hunter

[Credit to with some edited subjects and only required abilities.]
[Credot to http:// and Abilitieswith some edited for related and only required abilities ]

Note: If you want upgrade your abilities, please do your plotting use your power and tag the base after that. You will gain CP (Crystalian Point) for upgrading your abilities.

FAQ about Darkness Hollow

1. Hello, is this an agency with literate concept?
Yes, we are. This is an Open AU Agency with LITERATE ONLY. So it’s mean forbidden for do any OOT from your character.
2. How to reservation my idol here?
If you want to be One of Us, please you check our Rules, Race and How to Become One of Us. There are guidelines for you. After you are sure that you want to be our VIP, please reserve your idol with plotting like “Good morning, Guard, could i take Kim Hyuna place with Spiritual Fairy race?” please be polite to us cause we do it to you too, then make your Account from 1x24hour from the reservation.
3. What’s race anyway? And how to use my abilities?
Great question! Race is ordinary creature have division , having distinct physical characteristics.

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