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How To Restore Calphalon Pots And Pans
If you own Calphalon pots and pans, or if you are planning to purchase any of their products, you should know how to restore them to their original condition. This will save you from buying another pot or pan just to solve your current pot problem. It can also help you avoid spending money on a new set if your current one has broken down. So, how do you restore pots and pans to their original appearance? Just follow the following tips.

The very first thing you need to know in how to restore calphalon pots and pans is to avoid cooking on high temperature. This is the primary reason why many people purchase Calphalon pots and pans - they are known for being able to handle both high temperature and low temperature. However, as time goes by, the non-stick coating can start to peel off. Or, it may happen when you cook on high heat. If this happens, use vinegar as a cleaner on your pots, until it starts to loosen the hardened layer.

Next, use lukewarm water and soap to clean the surface of your Calphalon pots and pans, as well as other cookware made by Calphalon. You don't want to use detergents or any acidic cleaning solutions for this job. You should be careful while handling soap or water, because it may contain traces of acids which could damage your cookware beyond repair. You may even get permanently damaged as a result.

If your pots have been badly burnt, you should immediately remove them from heat source, and place them in soapy warm water and place a lid over them. Let them stay in that condition for about half an hour. This will allow you to soak up the remaining liquid and free the burnt stainless steel layer from its surface. Once the solution has completely dried up, rinse your Calphalon pots and pans with clean water, and place them back in their original pots and pans, if applicable.

If your pots or pans have received scratches, you should follow a different procedure to restore your pots and pans, as there are two different types of scratches. The first is from heavy usage, and can be dealt with by simply using soap and water to soften the scratch. In most cases, this damage is permanent. However, if you look at the scratch in a close-up mirror, you may not be able to spot the scratch, unless it's extremely deep. If so, you can use a Calphalon pot and pan repair kit to remove the scratch and bring your pot back to its original beauty.

The second type of damage that may occur to your nonstick pots and pans is from extreme temperatures. Heat damage is relatively easy to deal with as most pans can withstand extreme temperatures before they become damaged. For stainless steel pans, you may have to purchase a Calphalon pan repair kit to handle this issue. If your pots and pans have received scratches, you should follow the same steps as you would for heat damage. Once you've cleaned burnt areas and restored your pots and pans to their original beauty, you will be amazed at how quickly your Calphalon cookware will return to its original form.

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