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Youtube shows advertisements to my son while he watches baby shark videos and other similar channels.

This has been the question that I've asked over the last two years since I began giving my daughter the tablet with all the Youtube channels made specifically for infants. According to certain sources, they assist babies grow, improve cognitive, and other functions. They also promote social and mental progress. I can tell my daughter enjoying the content. Her eyes are open, and is laughing loudly, and she loves it. I'm not understanding the commercials. My child isn't an individual consumer, so why are you pushing at times not baby-like advertisements on my child, YouTube?

The first reason is that babies aren't in a position to understand commercials. This is both a loss of money as well as resources. They are not babies. If that's the case, then why are you playing the ads for their infants? If the father or mother, or other baby care workers are watching, they'll be able to benefit from the ads? It's becoming irritating to me.

This is also true for cat videos. youtubemp4 Recently, I discovered that my cat likes to watch these stunning videos for cats. It is usually some birds or mice however, my cat stares at them for many hours. Perhaps hunting. The advertisements continue to interrupt these videos. And who are they trying to get? My cat is not an avid viewer of these videos. Advertisements aren't relevant to her. Perhaps they're hoping that I will be watching the videos with my cat? They could be right in part. There are times when I find myself watching silly videos for cats as I interact with my cat.

So, I've discovered an excellent method to accomplish this. This involves downloading Youtube videos directly onto my computer or to my daughter’s tablet. After that, I can play them later. What do I mean? This site allows you to keep your video on your computer instead of accessing it via Youtube whenever your cat wants to view birdies. This allows me to double-click an mp4 on my computer, which is played in VLC immediately. It doesn't have commercials.

Similar process applies to all those videos for babies and channels. I simply find all the videos my daughter likes to watch, then download the videos from Youtube to my desktop , and then transfer them to her tabled from there. Even though it may be just a couple of songs, I'll copy them onto her tablet. It's much simpler to access this site on my desktop computer and then drag the files to wherever you'd like to. Perhaps it is me, an old school...

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what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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