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A Messenger Bot Visual Flow Builder Review
The latest release of Facebook's Messenger Bot has many new features. One of those is the Bot Visual Editor. If you are one who is familiar with Bot applications, this is the new kid on the block. This allows you to drag and drop components into your Messenger Bot's template.

So what should you do? Are there any pros and cons to using Bot Visual? There really are not many pros and cons. The biggest pro is probably that it can save a ton of time. It can also help shorten development cycles and can free up more time for you.

Bot Visual is a drag and drop visual editor. It is very much like Photoshop or Fireworks. If you are familiar with these programs, you will feel right at home with Bot Builder. If you are new to graphics software, this may not be something you want to start off with but it certainly can get you pointed in the right direction.

As far as cons go, there really aren't any. Messenger Bot Visual Drag and Drop Flow Builder can use the visual flow builder anytime you want. You do not need a programmer to build one for you. That just doesn't sound right does it?

You have to sign up for a free account, but that's a small price to pay. After that all you have to do is choose which types of components you want to drag and drop. This can become addictive, once you start adding and moving items around. Messenger Bot Visual Drag and Drop Flow Builder have commented that it does take some time to learn the program. I can understand that, but I have yet to learn an application that can teach me so much in such a short period of time.

The only thing I would recommend that you not do is use Bot Visual with your Messenger Bot. There are a lot of great things out there on the market that you could potentially save money with, but this bot visual version just doesn't do everything that other ones do. It can't create and link to files, and it doesn't even have an option for changing your theme colors. If you're going to use this, then you are going to have to purchase the Bot V2.

If you absolutely must have this bot visualized, then you should download the BotViz Lite version. It doesn't have all the extra features that the V1 has, but it will do the job. And, it's free. I would however, caution against spending too much money on this version.

There are a number of other programs out there that are better. There is one out there that integrates with WordPress so everything you post is created right into WordPress. Then there is one that also allows you to post to Facebook and Twitter. The one that I would strongly recommend is the one that use the WordPress plug-in, as this will make your life easier, but you don't need to pay extra to have it installed.

You can choose to have your own website built or to use the pre-built WordPress Express site that comes with the program. Each one of these has their advantages and disadvantages. I wouldn't suggest building your own because you can spend countless hours on it. And, it could become quite a chore when you get to the point where you can't figure out how to do something anymore.

Some programs do require that you purchase certain things before you can be able to use them. There are several that do have a monthly fee. I'm not sure why they would want to charge users for something that you can get free. I believe it goes back to where they (Messenger Bot) want to make their money from ads. They make more money this way, so it seems like they are protecting their profits more than anything else.

My personal choice would be to get the visual flow builder. This is because it allows you to create a dynamic website quickly and easily. You don't need to know any html or code at all to put one together. I've even seen some programs that will let you export your site so you can upload it to a web server of your choice.

It's a very user friendly program as well. All you really have to do is follow the step by step guide that was included with the program. There are no complicated videos to follow. And, you can do it in less than an hour. The best part is, you don't have to pay anything to use it!
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