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Brushtail Possum Information
The brush tail possum is among the family Phalangeridae being the normal variety of the possum within New Zealand. It is the species referred to as Trichosurus Vulpecula. These imported pests from Australia came into the country within the mid 1800's as being a food source and as being a product for trapping and skinning for the pelt. The possum is a marsupial animal, called because after birth the young are carried in a very pouch located on the mothers belly.
The color variations are wide and range from grey to nearly black. The belly fur shaded from the grey-white to black-brown color. It can live anywhere and generally do, your initial possums started inside the South Island and inside past 150 years have spread throughout New Zealand. Their preferred food are plants leaving, particularly the broad leaves of the metrosideros and rata vines but including many native trees and shrubs. They will eat the flowers, bark, and ferns, ending with all the death in the plant or tree. They will also eat carrion, eggs, insects' cicadas and weta's. The weight range from the possum 2.5kgs to 6kgs. The density of possums a single area is will be as high as 10 to some hectare of land.
The possum is often a nocturnal animal and is capable of moving 1 km as much as 2.5 km a night. Possums seen in the daytime hours are usually in ill health. They communicate by scents or vocally, the animal carries a wide range of sounds or noises. From this information, they're able to deduce the years or social status of other live in dens found in trees, burrows of rabbits or kiwis. They also like hay barns, log piles and woolsheds! The individual possums may use five to ten different nests.
They lead solitary lives except for the breeding season that coincides while using shortening days leading into autumn. Both sexes mature a single to two years. The females provide an oestrus of 26 days. why not try these out are born after 17-18 days gestation. They climb into their mothers pouch and lock on with a teat for the next 70 days. Some will have a second breeding season August to babies start growing their coats if they are 90 -100 days old. Their eyes open ten days later. They finally emerge from their mothers pouch from about 4 months old most by six months. They may always suckle until aged 8 months. The survival rates are high around ninety percent but sometimes vary obviously. They are susceptible to mites, tapeworm, Leptospirosis and Tuberculosis each of which could affect both stock and individuals.
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