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Vector Borne Diseases:
- Homo sapiens first appeared around 45,000 years ago
- Industrial Resolution occurs and man begins to become a major energy consumer and a consumer of natural resources
- agricultural Green Revolution occurred
- Molecular Biology Revolution and information Age Begins
- Environmental Risk Transition
= The term characterized changes in environmental risks that happens as a consequence of economic development in the less developmental regions of the world
= Before transition occurs: poor food air communicable diseases and water quality
- After "
= Problem of the household risk are brought under control
= Society becomes more developed causing a new set of environmental problems
- 1995 45% of the earth had experienced human induced degradation 24% of the earth has experienced
- 20% of land area is needed to be sustainable on this earth
- Disease triangle Environment -> Agent -> Host
- non human carriers of the disease that can directly transmit disease causing organisms to humans
- can be biological or mechanical organisms
- disease agent
- plasmodium protozoan anopheles Mosquitoes
- occurs in poor tropical and subtropical areas of the world
- over half the world population are at risk of malaria
- 91% of death were in the African region
- 1500 cases of malaria are diagnosed in the US each year
***outside the blood cell inside blood cell and in the mosquito***
= an organochlroine insectide sprayed within households on the walls of the residences to intercept the mosquito before it bites a human. Banned in the US it is used worldwide where malaira
*Malathion and Temephos
= insecticides targeted at adult mosquitoes
*Insect Growth Regulators
= dimilin and Methoprene, are insect hormones mimics that target larvae and pupal stage
= An EDC that effects other invertebrates
*Biological Toxins
= Bacillus thuringensis israeliensis BTI is a bacterial toxins targeted at mosquito larvae
*Disease Causing Agent
*Yellow Fever Virus- related to West Nile Virus
*Dengue Fever
*Chikungunya Virus
*West Nile Virus
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Regards; Team

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