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modals - are helping verbs that denote intention or feeling of the speaker, indicate likelihood, permission, ability, possibility, suggestions, prohibition, advice, order, or request.
modals of permission
--- consent or agreement given to a request. CAN, COULD, MAY, +VERB(BASE FORM)
can = least formal
could = less formal
may = most formal
modals of obligation
--- sense of duty demanded. MUST, HAVE
have to = strong obligation(outside)
must = strong obligation(speaker)
modals of prohibition
--- act of restraining or stopping an action by an authority. NOT
modals of permission and obligation + NOT



Modals are special verbs that behave DIFFERENTLY from normal verbs. They are called auxiliary verbs or helping words. Modals give additional information about how the main verb functions in the sentence.

Example: Students can use the library.
- The verb used in the sentence is “use.” CAN is the to use the library
● According to the module, the modal “can”, could also be used for a possibility (e.g Smoking can cause lung cancer), asking for permission (e.g Can I use your pen?), and showing abilities (e.g I can swim)

Modals are usually placed before the base form of the verb. They also cannot change form.

● We cannot put “s” after a modal or add “-Ing” to it. “Can” cannot be “cans” or “canning”
● In our module, it is said that we can add “not” or “t” after the modal. For example, can will be “can’t.” Must will be “must not.” The thing is, the sentence will not be about expressing permission but expressing PROHIBITION


is a sentence that expresses idea that can only happen when a certain condition is fulfilled

-factual-(simple present tense + simple present tense)
-prediction-(simple present tense + future tense)
-advice/suggestion-(simple present tense + modal and base form of verb)
-instruction-(simple present tense + imperative)

-imaginary-(simple past + would/could/might verb)
-not possible-(simple past + would/could/might verb)

zero - factual, 100% real (if - not sure, 50 50, and when when we are positive and 100%percent sure) (presnet simple verb + present simple verb)
----- can express fact, rule, instruction, and habits

one - possible conditional (if/when present simple + will base form)

second - current situation is different (if pas simple + would base form)

third - (if past perfect + would have past participle)
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Regards; Team

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