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* ScrewThisImOuttaHere: Gordon is [[WhatYouAreInTheDark tempted twice]] to just run away and leave the Willamette Valley to burn:
** After figuring out that [[spoiler: Cyclops is just a benovelent scam used to uphold some remnants of unity and civilisation, he is ready to ride away, especially after learning about advancing Holnist ''army''. But then he clenches his teeth, turns back his horse and [[WeHelpTheHelpless takes command over panicked civilians]] as "the legal representative of the Restored United States, with authority over Northern Oregon and Washington State"]].
** Later, when [[spoiler: the war is getting really bad, he again contemplates ditching the Willamette Valley, especially since he knows Holnists are already encircling his sleeping camp. Instead, he pulls out [[ChekhovsGun his whistle]] and wakes up everyone, organising fierce defense]].
* ShamingTheMob: After being finally invited to Powhatan's Sugarloaf Peak fortress Gordon quickly realises lies about the Restored United States won't work here. Instead he ditches all the speeches prepared in advance and calls everyone there out [[ApatheticCitizens on their indifference and lack of action]], when they have all the means and skills needed for the fight against Holnists and how things will turn out if they won't help their neighbours. [[SubvertedTrope It still doesn't work]].
* SherlockScan: How Gordon deducted that [[spoiler: Cyclops is dead and the whole thing is just a masquerade]] - he tied together numerous, disconnected clues and then confronted his theory.
* SmugSnake: General Macklin truly thinks of himself as superior to everyone around and acts accordingly. Not to mention his suicidal level of overconfidence thanks to his cybernetic implants.
* StillWearingTheOldColors: Inverted. Inhabitants of Pine View assume this upon meeting Gordon, while he himself never was a postman to begin with and simply looted the uniform from a dead body to prevent hypothermia. Later the uniform is treated as a sign of re-emerging order when he starts his "Postal Inspector" act.
* TapOnTheHead: [[spoiler: One of the augments knocks Gordon out after finally finding out who is commanding the defences]]. [[RealityEnsues He fully recovers from it fully few days later, being barely conscious for that time]].
* TaughtByExperience: The Willamette Army is trained this way. And by experience we mean being slaughtered each time they engage Holnists.
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