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I had a dream earlier this morning.
The dream was about a trip to the top.
The tower which can stop the mutants.
The mutants were created because of radiation,
A group of four or five girls (possibly one boy), hereby called X, went up the tower.
At one floor, one went to a room containing a casket or coffin, which enhances her powers, but if she stayed for another day, she'll die.
As they went up the tower, they see some alive "walkers". Some do not harm them, but some do.
As they reach the 10th floor, they saw a group of mutant girls, hereby called Y
Whose job was to stop them or rather to go to the original site of radiation.
A girl from the group (X) hide in the stairway,
Do note most of the storyline in the tower is in the stairway...
However, the group (Y) knows who they are and that the girl is trying to go to the 11th floor
They knew this because of the seer.
The names of X were said...
But I forgot
I'm sure that one name starts with A and another starts J, but maybe not...
The girl was trying to go to the 11th floor because it is there where you can stop the mutants.
Since the girl knew they knew the girl is going up, she took another route...the window...
The group Y, who seemingly knows she is in the window,outside the building now for some reason, asked if she was sure because they were in Suicide Hill...
The highest hill in the neighbourhood, and dangerous...

After that segment, there was another one...
But before that, a group of pictures appeared,
a mixture of past "episodes" and some clips of Attack On Titan, for some reason.
Do note that apparently this is the last? episode of the show???
The episodes were where the group or squad of half-mutants try to help mutants but they became to dangerous and wage war against humans.
So the half-mutants fought them..
The past episodes were where one mutant could turn/is a giant leech where later you will find out the victim and the body is teleported into the
"Egg Route", which is a mechanism like Black Hole.
The second mutant was able to reproduce quickly

Okay so in the final segment, a group of (4 or 5) males try to stop the disaster...
As they try to fight the giant leech...they figured out the egg routes.
As they arrive victorious...
The non-PhD guy noted he was not PhD..
The leader's worker said yeah...
The leader remarked this, and told the worker...
As he grabbed a gun as the non-PhD guy was to go to the taxicab...
The leader triggered it...
The non-PhD guy flew inside the cab, without the driver knowing...
There was a witness though....He said Cap or Leader...
Fortunately, he wasn't notice...or maybe not...
So the witness went...
...the end...
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