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wheat bran substitutes
Wheat bran substitutes can help you enjoy delicious whole grain foods without having to completely give up the nutrients and vitamins that wheat bran provides. If you do not yet buy the product, you may be wondering what wheat bran really is, how it is made, and why it is beneficial for your diet. A bran substitute can provide you with wheat based foods that taste and feel like the real thing, but have the same nutritional value. Here is an overview of wheat bran and its nutritional benefits.

What is Wheat Bran? Wheat bran is a by-product derived from the bran of wheat. It is the outermost layer of the grain, removed during the mashing process. It is commonly used in muffins, rolls and breads, but can also be found in snack foods and energy drinks. It is thought to be a superior source of dietary fiber and antioxidants. While there are many claims about the health benefits of wheat bran, including its ability to promote weight loss and prevent heart disease, most experts agree that more research is needed to fully understand these claims.

The main benefit of consuming bran is the high level of nutrients and vitamins that it provides. wheat bran substitutes based products are a good source of bran because it is the refined or "bleached" version of the product without any loss of nutritional value. Since its introduction to the American market in the early 1990s, increased use of bran enriched foods has reduced the consumption of other grains such as wheat, rice and oats, which led to a significant reduction in the consumption of vitamins such as riboflavin and folic acid.

Replacing Oats With Wheat Bran Hot Cereal Surprisingly, oatmeal is one of the better wheat bran replacements because it is also high in fiber. However, bran from whole grain oats is still better for you than the enriched version of the cereal. There is evidence that enriched or bleached oats contain only a small amount of fiber, whereas whole oats are rich in this important fiber. Because of the small amount of fiber present in wheat bran hot cereal, it is better for you to substitute the cereal for your regular yogurt and wheat bread.

Wheat Bran Substitutes Need not Be Creamy In comparison to flax seed, wheat bran has virtually no taste. Many dietitians recommend wheat bran for use as a bread replacement, as it contains all the necessary nutrients without the heavy flavor. However, many dietitians and experts have advised against using it as a replacement for whole wheat, since it can cause nutritional deficiencies if consumed too much. One study showed that people who ate a diet low in fat had significantly lower amounts of the vitamin folic acid than those who ate wheat kernel bread. Since the majority of diets today do not provide adequate amounts of folic acid, you should focus on using wheat bran as a healthy ingredient in your daily diet, not as an alternative to enriched wheat breads.

How To Make It? You can make wheat bran bread using the whole wheat flour, tapioca starch, xanthan gum, and salt in your own home. When mixing the ingredients, you must add the water first and then mix until the dry ingredients are blended in. Add the xanthan gum just a little at a time and mix until the ingredients are completely blended. Then, you can use a stand mixer to mix in the dry ingredients until it becomes smooth and lumpy.

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