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📍 Shaykh Dr. ‘Abdullāh ibn Salfīq adh-Dhafīrī on Dr. Muhammad Sa’īd Raslān

📌 Question:

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuhu

Allāh bless you and benefit you graciously and kindly. Is Shaykh Muhammad Sa’īd Raslān a Salafī from the scholars of Sunnah? Allāh reward you.

📌 Answer:

Shaykh Muhammad Sa’īd Raslān, from the time we have known him, is a Salafī, a defender of the truth, waging war against the Sūfīs on their own soil and midst, waging war against the Ikhwān (Muslim Brotherhood), as well as calling to Tawhīd and Sunnah.

However, those who have taken a certain stance on him is because of his disheartening and forsaking position with the Salafī scholars and students of knowledge in the fitnah of (Muhammad) ibn Hādī.

With this fitnah, and we ask Allāh for safety, many of the mashāyikh have fallen into it because Muhammad ibn Hādī, at one point, was from the heads of Salafīyyah.

However, he has deviated, oppressed others and has been afflicted with self-amazement, holding grudges and settling scores, as well as longing and having love for fame and leadership.

Futhermore, the living aren’t safe from falling into fitnah. We ask Allāh to make us firm upon the truth.

What’s obligatory is to refer back to the major scholars who are aware and understand the benefits and harms concerning the matter of Shaykh Muhammad Sa’īd Raslān, likewise to abandon arguing and disputing concerning that matter so that we may not fall into a new fitnah like these hasty and reckless ones have fallen into.

People have either become too negligent or too excessive. Moreover, the Muslim should hold his tongue, ask Allāh for steadfastness and remember and remind himself of his standing he’ll have before al-Jabbār on the Day of Resurrection and that he’ll be questioned and accounted for every major and minor deed.

O Lord, grant us safety and save us and protect us from deviation and fitan!

We ask Allāh to grant understanding and foresight to Shaykh Raslān and the other mashāyikh concerning the fitnah of ibn Hādī which has split and divided the people of Islām and the Sunnah, planted seeds of evil, hatred and animosity between Ahl as-Sunnah, and has weakened their da’wah and has made Ahl al-Bid’ah and the enemies of the da’wah rejoice over it.

Likewise, I advise you with (seeking knowledge from in Egypt) Shaykh ‘Alī as-Sayyid al-Wasīfī, for he is upon firmness and steadfastness with regard to this fitnah. Allāh keep us and him firm and steadfast upon the truth, Sunnah and Īmān.

With this, I conclude by asking Allāh to raise the rank of and grant peace and blessings to our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions, all of them in entirety.

🖋 Written by: (Shaykh) ‘Abdullāh ibn Salfīq adh-Dhafīrī

🗓 Date: Tuesday Fajr, 22nd of Dhū al-Hijjah 1442 AH

✍️ Translated by: Abū ‘Abd ar-Rahmān Khalīl Darwīsh

🌐 Arabic source:
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