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* CampUnsafeIsntSafeAnymore:
** The Ranger Station is obviously not safe from the beginning - completely open from each side, with big windows covering every wall and not a single barricade build by {{NPC}}s. [[spoiler: It's no wonder it is overrun when Marcus and Ed are searching for Maya. After witnessing what happend, she instantly decides to pack everything and run the hell out of there]].
** Not counting the court in Marshall, all enclaves held by {{NPC}}s are completely unsafe, but only after taking sizable beating - sometimes few sieges in a row - you can recruit their inhabitants into your community.
* CoolButInefficient: Both shotguns and revolvers have good stopping power, but share the same disadvantages: small ammo capacity, making ''a lot'' noise impossible to muffle, pitful accuracy and slow reload.
* NotUsingTheZWord: Subverted. While initially Marcus, Ed and Maya have no idea what's going on and hesitate to use the term, they are quite bluntly informed by Lily about ZombieApocalypse raging for the past two weeks.
* ShoutOut:
** Lily listing all the possibilities from where the zombies came from:
-->'''Lily:''' Maybe it's some kind of [[Franchise/ResidentEvil messed up]] [[Film/TwentyEightDaysLater super-virus]]. Maybe it's [[Film/NightOfTheLivingDead radiation from outer space]], or [[VoodooZombie black magic]] or... or [[Film/DawnOfTheDead the Wrath of almighty God]].
* SniperRifle: Since the game was designed as ThirdPersonShooter with UsefulNotes/{{Xbox 360}} in mind, all scoped weapons lack the actual scope when aiming. This makes sniper rifles one of the most useless weapons in the game, since there are no plus-sides of their extremely low fire rate and slow reload. [[SniperPistol Scoped pistols]] at least come with additional crosshair, making aiming easier, while retaining all the good properties of pistols.
* StillWearingTheOldColors:
** Alan is still wearing his uniform and is quite vocal as being "the only law enforcement officer on duty left in Spencer's Mill". Said uniform is of Department of Fish and Wildlife ranger.
** Sheriff Carl and all his deputies are all wearing uniforms, ''but'' in their case they are still on active duty under Judge Lawton jurisdiction.
** [[spoiler: Sergeant Tan, after realising the military left him and his men to rot, is pretty much a deserter in combat gear acting on his own]].
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