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What Actually Works Online in 2021: 5 Proven Ways

What are the best ways to make money online?
My last post about 5 wrong ways to make money online this year had many of my friends asking me that question
Even many people believe that making money online is a myth. They believe that everything has already been created, and that they cannot compete with those who are actually making money.
In order to make good money working online, you don't have to reinvent the wheel, create the next social network, or create a product that solves a problem that everybody has.
A great idea requires a proven concept that has worked well for others, and then it needs to be executed with a personal touch.
The only way to achieve success in a project is to understand that it takes time, patience, and constant improvement.
How you perceive the world depends on your input. Outlook determines output, and output determines your future.
It Was Ziglar
It is important to keep in mind that although I can suggest a hundred ways to make thousands of dollars online, but unless you do your research following this post, and put in the time to achieve it, you wont even make a dollar.
It does not come easy because there can be no easy money.
When I tell people the process to earn money by writing, they give up after a couple of months because they are not earning the thousands of dollars I promised them.
Every time I ask them how much time they dedicate to writing each day, they tell me: I wrote 3 articles, but none of them gave me a dollar.
The claim that Desiree makes thousands of dollars by writing just two or three articles each month is very easy to believe, however they do not realize that I work on those two or three articles for over 4 hours per day every day.
Today, I will share with you five of my proven ways of making money online that I have tested and have found to be effective. These jobs are low risk, low cost, and you can learn them for free.
By putting the passion into them and the time to make them successful you could make 6 figures from them per year.
Developing software

I have been a software developer for five years. In my opinion, it is undeniable that the market is growing and that jobs are being added to the area each day.
Many software companies became completely remote due to the pandemic. Even if developers already had good job offers before, in 2021, there will be much more opportunities for them to work from home.
According to Glassdoor, salaries for software developers in the United States range from $30000 to over $120000.

Salary of developers - Screenshot from Stackoverflow
It's good to know that you don't need to spend years studying in order to be a developer, and you don't need to be an expert in the field. In spite of taking technical courses and having no prior work experience, I got my first job when I was 17.
At the moment, you can take coding courses online at Udemy, Code Academy, or Coursera, that take three to six months to complete. The six months will allow you to do projects and create your own portfolio if the course is good and you have a real passion for coding.
Instead of jumping right into coding, you can work on one of the following teams:
Software Quality Assurance (QA) is the process of testing software projects to ensure the quality of the program.
Developer analyst. Essentially, they are in charge of gathering the software's requirements and informing the developer of what the requirements are.
The project manager. From conception to delivery, she is in charge of the software project. Sets the dates and makes sure everything runs smoothly.
Also, you will become familiar with the area and earn a good salary for these jobs.
In order to become a developer, I recommend choosing a language that is suitable for your objectives; Zulie has compiled a list here that can assist you. Learn about it, then become an expert.
Make small personal projects (such as calculators or to-do lists) and start building an online portfolio using a repository like GitHub.
2 Get a blog started
With currently around 133 million blogs online, it seems hard to believe you can make money from them. Even so, there are still lots of people who make a living writing on the internet.
Internet information is relatively poor in quality. You can easily stand out if you are good and original enough. Only a few blogs earn relevant amounts and that is mostly due to people not being willing to invest the time needed.
In 8 months, I developed an audience that is paying me four figures per month. I am not the only one who has started blogging professionally. I think one of my friends could go viral by 2021
You can write about many topics on the internet, so you can explore many genres. It doesn't mean that your area already has a good blog, just because there are many blogs already.
Creating value, that is, adding value for a massive number of people, will give you the opportunity to achieve economic abundance.
Anthony Robbins

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Regards; Team

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