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Best jolly English learning classes in Mumbai
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Jolly Phonics, one of the programs for reading that relies on a synesthetic and systematic phonics method, was created in collaboration with Sue Lloyd (previously a teacher at Woods Loke Primary School, Lowestoft, England) and Sara Wernham (publisher: Jolly Learning, the UK that is which is owned by Christopher Jolly).

Jolly Phonics caters to kids of all abilities and is multisensory, child-centred and entertaining. Jolly Phonics teaches literacy through synthetic phonics with a child-friendly approach. Multi-sensory strategies are highly motivating for youngsters. They are supported by scientific studies and has been accepted all over the globe.

The program is focused on the teaching and practicing in the English alphabetic code. The phonics curriculum was not designed to substitute for English lessons.

It is possible to take actions with each 42 letter sound. In the Letter Sound Order chart below illustrates how the sounds of letters are broken down into seven distinct groups.

Jolly Phonics comprises five core skills:

Jolly phonics sound. WHAT is Jolly Phonics? Phonics Words


Learning the Letter Sounds

Learning Letter Formation


Identifying Sounds in Words

Tricky Words

You will find examples and explanations for all five essential skills below.

1.Learning the Letter Sounds



The main 42 vowels in English are taught. each day, in order of the Jolly Phonics recommended purchase.

s , a , t , i ,p , n

ck , e , h , r , m , d

G, o,u.l the f,b

ai , j , oa , ie , ee , or

z , w , ng , v , oo , oo

y , x , ch sh , th , th

qu , ou , oi , ue , er , ar

To introduce children to letters, a multisensory method is used. Each sound is given an explanation and a sequence of actions in addition to a Sound Sheet. The kids are more likely to remember what the sound is through doing something that is related to it.

For example, they can be rubbing their stomachs, and then use the word "mmmmm", for the"mmm" sound.

The sound 'r' can be taught through the use of two hands spread and moving like an aeroplane 'RRRRRRR ......'.

The sound 'h' can be taught by imagining that one is tired and is making "ha ......' sound.

Each child is given a unique 'Sound Book. Each day, the book includes the letter sound. The book can be saved and then taken home by each child. Parents are encouraged to help children to learn the sounds. This can be done through reading from the Sound Book and/or cutting up the letters. To blend quickly, it's necessary to make the letters sound fluent. The daily flashcards should be displayed for kids to use as an visual aid. Two letters may represent certain sounds, also known as digraphs. Children must be able to recognize digraphs within words, such as the 'ng' sound in strong'. The digraphs 'oo' 'th' have two sounds: e.g., book and moon thin, and that. Jolly Phonics has them written in two sizes initially to make it easier for children to understand each sound.

2. Learning Letter Formation

The children are taught to form the letters correctly when they are learning the letter sounds. Initially, the teacher will instruct the children to form the alphabet simultaneously while in the air. In the first 12 weeks, the majority of children are able to create letters correctly by feeling and writing each letter.

It is also crucial that children learn how to hold their pencils correctly, using the tripod grip.

Jolly Phonics makes use of the Sassoon Infant text face with joining tails. This makes it much simpler for kids to learn written cursive (joined-up) written language.

3. Blending

The children must learn the sounds, and also how to mix them to form words. This begins on the first day. It is crucial that children hear when their teacher speaks. For instance, "Listen carefully, what word do I say... d-o-g?" Certain children might detect "dog". A few more words are likely, for instance,'su' or 'boy' or'mou-se'.

When children begin to recognize the sounds and hear them being spoken, they'll be able come up with their own words. To be able to read, youngsters must be able mix letter sounds fluently. This is a must for beginning and should be used as a basis for figuring out new words. Children must be able to recognize consonant digraphs as well as blend in words like fl-a-g' and 'sh-o-p'.

After children have learned the sounds of letters and are able to read simple regular words, they are able to take home the Word Boxes' for exercises. Word Boxes are simple , simple words created using the initial set of letter sounds. Children who can blend sounds quickly become fluent readers.

In the beginning, only one spelling method for vowels will be taught. Children must be able to mix these spellings in words before they are taught the alternative spellings.

Once the children have finished learning the Word Boxes and discovered some peculiar words, they ought to be handed storybooks. Inform parents that their child cannot bring the book home until he or she is proficient in the art of blending. Parents should help their children to speak about the books they've read.

4. Identifying Sounds in Words

Children must be able recognize individual sounds in words. This is crucial for writing. Children will be asked to listen closely and then ask whether they recognize specific sounds in the words. For instance, "Is there an's" in "sun", "mouse" and "dog '?"; "If there's an's", where is it coming from - the middle, end, or beginning?" Then, get the children to use those sounds that they can hear. It's easy to practice this by using a word like "hat". Children should reply with 'h-a-t. They should use 1 finger per sound. ,... "h-a" 3 fingers to represent three sound; and'shi-p' with three fingers in order to sound three. Then, you can go on to more complicated words, such as words that contain initial and final consonant blends.

While the children talk and the teacher writes letters onto the chalkboard. The children then take a look at the word and make sounds. They then blend the sounds together to read it. This will give you an understanding of the procedure of writing and reading. The ability to write can be improved by practicing a couple of examples every day.

Children can begin to write independently after they are able to hear and then write down the sound. While they won't be able to spell correctly initially however, their writing can be read. When they reach the end of their first year, most children should be able to write simple reports and stories independently. They will write exactly what they wantto write, as they don't need to stick to the terms they know. Making sure that you spell the correct way takes time, as does as reading books and acquiring the different vowel sounds.

5. Tricky Words

tricky-words-jolly-phonics Jolly Reading

After the first month, the majority of children are familiar with 18 letters. They've also been learning how to blend regular words in a group setting. Then , they are able to learn tricky words. Words that are tricky are not able to be combined. These words can be introduced slowly using the Jolly Phonics Tricky word Cards. Examine the 'tricky" portion of each word. For example, "was" has an"o/" sound instead of an /a sound. It is recommended that you give a class 2-3 times a week and keep on top of reading and spelling.

These spelling techniques can be employed: (Cover, Write and Examine)

Say It as It Sounds. For instance, you can pronounce the word'mother' using a short sound of /o/, so it rhymes with "bother..

Mnemonics are used to spell "people" (e.g., "people eat omelets people love eggs")

Jolly Phonics was extensively researched and proved to be highly efficient. Here are some quotations in three projects dealing with synthetic phonetics. One of them was in England as well as one each within Scotland in Scotland and Canada. A synthetic phonics method emphasizes the teaching of individual letter sounds and how they are combined to form words. That is Jolly Phonics' core approach to teaching.

International Research & Study :

The reading 3.6 years ahead of their chronological age Spelling 1.9 years before their chronological age . Comprehension 3.5 months ahead of boys reading 9.5 months before girls. Boys' writing 8.6 months before girls

Demo: He has just done Phonics at Sr. KG. Now he will be going to First. Indian Mythological stories have difficult words which can't be always read Phonetically but he's reading them all with great efficiency. The focus is on reading that helps children develop into competent Independent Readers and don't require the students to complete Advanced Phonics

The Research:

"Jolly Phonics children were twelve months ahead of their expected level of reading for their age.""The synthetic phonics classes did better than the whole language classes on 16 of 19 reading or spelling measures" "Jolly Phonics was able to produce long-lasting results, as demonstrated by the data."

Demo: He has just accomplished Phonics as a student in Sr. KG. The next step is going to First. Indian Mythological stories have difficult words which can't be always read Phonetically however he's reading all very efficiently. We emphasize reading that helps children become efficient Independent Readers and do not require for them to master Advanced Phonics

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