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modernish Dracula au/book idea??

(curse of the) bloodeater

van helsing leads a group of friends and professionals on a hunt for Dracula, the vampire who killed van helpings wife and child and who infected one of their own, mina harker, with vampire blood. they're aiming to kill Dracula both to rid the world of a great evil and also to cure mina before she dies and becomes a vampire--much like mina's old friend Lucy westerna, who, to everyone's horror, is revealed to have not died of a wasting disease, but become a vampire and joined Dracula after being "abandoned" by her loved ones.

dr van helsing is a medical doctor who also dabbles in physiology, and is an accomplished vampire hunter. the oldest member of their group as well as the leader, he takes on a fatherly role for most of the gang--especially his old student jack Seward and Quincy Morris. animated, excitable, affectionate, and friendly, he is also deadly serious when the situation calls for it and is fiercely protective of those he loves, especially mina, for whom he has a soft spot. he's good at comforting people but not so much at giving advice, and sometimes he goes into black moods that make him surly and unpredictable. (in leverage terms, the mastermind of the team)

jack Seward is a dr of psychology who runs a mental institution, where he treats and studies mental disorders. a grounded, pragmatic man, he is nonetheless secretly a huge softy who fiercely loves his friends. it takes him a while to warm up to people, but once he does, he'll do anything for those he loves. orphaned at a young age, he's always looked up to van helsing as a father figure, and to his friends as brothers. he is the team's backup medic as well as van helsing's second in command (except in combat; that role falls to Quincy). he enjoys dabbling with new technology and was the most skeptical of all of them about vampires at all. because of his job, he's good at de-escalating tense situations and keeping attention off of him; and because of his upbringing, he's got sticky fingers, and his inherently quiet, cautious nature makes him an excellent scout/spy (the thief of the team)

Quincy Morris, texan cowboy, is longtime friends with Arthur and jack. very friendly and tender, he's also the best strategist out of all of them and has the most combat experience. he's a good leader, quiet and thoughtful and quick on his feet, though he sometimes has a tendency to execute plans without telling anyone else what's going on or what he's doing. enjoys hunting, singing, camping because it reminds him of home, and hates when people assume he's uncultured or stupid just because he's a working class American. (the hitter of the team)

Arthur godalming, technically lord after the death of his father. of the three friends, was the one following Quincy and dragging jack into the adventures, though that doesn't mean he doesn't have good sense. he's by far the most sensitive and emotional of the three of them and is still in mourning for his fiancee, Lucy westerna. he's got the best people skills (necessarily, given his social status) and can easily get people to trust him. he's honest and friendly and often strains himself trying to put on a brave face for the team, but they all know he's a crier and they support him however they can--especially once Lucy comes back as a vampire (the grifter of the team)

the harkers, mina and Jonathan, are both intelligent, brave, and fiercely in love. they've both got a head for law and are the ones keeping track of all the paper trail stuff. mina's made of slightly sterner stuff than Jonathan, but Jonathan is more than willing to put himself in danger to protect his loved ones. neither of them is very inclined for the more physical stuff, though they're taking shooting lessons from Quincy and Arthur. they're both very close to Arthur--mina because of their shared love of Lucy, Jonathan because of their similarly gentle natures--though mina also greatly enjoys jack's company (jack Seward kind of intimidates Jonathan). the newest ones in the group, they both quickly warm up to van helsing and Quincy in particular. having recently lost their own father figure, they're glad to let van helsing take on that role (the hackers of the team).

Lucy westerna was mina's best friend and Arthur's fiancee. she was groomed, fed upon, turned, and killed by Dracula, though no one knew this at the time. she woke up in her tomb and Dracula was the first face she saw when she woke up, and he convinced her that the others left her to rot on purpose. somewhat reluctantly, she joined him, but the longer she gives in to her vampiric nature, the more ruthless she becomes. she refuses to harm mina or Arthur, and Jonathan is safe because of his connection to mina, but the others are fair game as far as she's concerned.
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