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You "Oh yea. I sent that note by the way. It's not even that I'm in love with anybody in particular, I just wanted to see a fight" you say, your words and expressionless face contrasting with your quiet tone. "W-what?" Your friend replies. " But... Sadly it's gotten boring. So I'm waiting outside. The only reason I sent the note was for some entertainment, and I got it but I want more! I'm so bored right now! " You say, your voice low and commanding. You continue and growl out "Tch... Why is it so boring!? You guys should be fearing how boring you're becoming!" You switch tones back to something monotone. "The only reason I'm at UA is for entertainment, to try and alleviate the constant dullness. You guys are new and interesting for now... But one day you guys will all grow dull and boring, uninteresting like everything and everyone else in my life... You're all growing so predictable! Your actions, your responses, everything is so predictable! Once it's boring... I'll have to drop out of UA. I'll no longer have any use for it... And then... I'll have to turn away from heroism altogether since a hero school is the only heroic thing left for me to experience... I wonder... The opposite of heroism that I've never known... Villainy... Hehehe..." You say with a cruel smirk and giggle. You stand up and look down at your friend as you whisper "It's so boring in here..." You switch to a normal tone again He stares at you in fear, you can see sweat fall down his brow. His reaction amuses you very slightly. Out of all your classmates he's by far the most interesting one. It's why you befriended him as a child, why you've kept him around for so long. Just when you think he's grown boring and is just like the rest of the world, he does or says something just that little bit out of character that draws you back in... Who knows, once you're done with UA... Maybe you'll keep him around. "You... Can't be serious... Can you...?" He stutters very slightly yet with a steadier tone than expected. "Who knows. You don't have to worry. Even if I do decide to go down a darker path..." You say as you smirk, thinking over exactly what you'd do with him. "I'm sure you'd be fine." You say, giggling at the end. You pat him on the head with a gentle smile and walk out of the room, leaving him confused. You walk along the hallways, enjoying the company of the various staff members that cheerfully greet you as you walk past. "Hey there! How goes it?". "Good morning!". They're all fools. You smile your plastic smiles and spit out words far to sweet to be true as you walk past. They have no idea how you truly think, who you truly are. If they did they wouldn't be smiling at you, if they did they wouldn't be greeting you, if they did... They'd probably be shaking in fear and running the complete opposite way. These thoughts have you smiling a small, cruel, genuine smile. You head back to class and sit in your chair, the dispute about the note having died down. Five minutes later after composing himself probably, your friend walks in and sits as far from you as possible. The lesson begins and you can feel his eyes on you the entire lesson. You continue your act, your perfectly crafted mask never cracking for a second. You can tell he's trying to see you break character, perhaps to see if you were lying earlier, perhaps not. You let him. This could prove to be interesting, and besides, even if he did catch your mask slip, if he tried telling anyone, nobody would believe him. You should probably start referring him by his name in your mind. Your friends name is Narae, a shy boy with a reputation for being a doormat, yet he's much more complex. You've been deciphering him like a code or a puzzle, slowly as to savour every moment of interest, after all, nothing ever really excites you. You honestly can't remember a time when you weren't analyzing people like this. It's what makes you different to the other children, it's what makes you better than them. Even as you analyze Narae right now, you find yourself perusing his mind for anything interesting. You find yourself staring at his anxieties, his insecurities. You smile to yourself as you let him stew on the inside for a bit, enjoying the look of confusion on his face. "You've always been distant with me, why is that?" You think to yourself. Maybe he's always been able to sense something was... Off about you. Today was just the first time you've allowed the mask to slip, to give him the smallest glimpse at what's truly beneath the surface, at who you truly are. Before immediately replacing it. Fast enough to make him question if it even happened. Yes... This will be very interesting indeed. You whisper lowly and deeply under your breath, "I wonder what you will do Narae... I hope you don't disappoint me..." Too quiet for anyone but you to hear. The rest of the time in class passes by slowly. Narae doesn't do anything except stare at you, he's too shy to act. You can practically feel the waves of thought coming off of him. Humans are truly so... Pathetic. Narae is no exception, but... He intrigues you in a way nothing and no-one has ever done before. You return to your textbook and spend the rest of the lesson copying down notes. It's so dull. You'd forgotten a hero high school was just like any other high school but with extra lessons. It's annoying going over what you've already memorized, what you already know, but it's a necessary sacrifice. The bell rings after what seems like hours, and you pack up your bags and head to the dorms. Every day is the same. The same process, same classes, same teachers, same words, same actions. When you realise how repetitive and dull everything is, you can't blame yourself or feel bad about what you do to try and distract yourself from the boredom. You sigh... Nows not the time to be reminiscing on your tragedy. You have plans to make, schemes to plot, people to inconvenience, among other things... You arrive at the dorm and sit at your desk. You pull out a bottle of alcohol and a box of cheez-its. You will need the entirety of both. You begin your depression and despair induced writing extravaganza and begin writing more plans. You write and write until your not sure whether you're any closer to accomplishing anything, but in your mind, you are. You're feeling satisfied with your work when you hear a knock at your door. You jump because this is an unlikely outcome. You're certain that Narae is on the other side of that door and for a moment you debate whether or not you should turn him away to piss him off. But you decide to let him in. Might be amusing. He opens it and shuffles inside, closing it behind him. "I... Are... Are you really considering turning to villainy..." He whispers, staring down at your feet. If he came just to ask dumb questions then you're going to kick him out. "What do you think Narae?" You smile with a passive aggressive tone. He winced which makes you question your words but not enough to warrant any emotion. You two stand in silence for about a minute until you say "If you're just going to stand here then you can leave because this is sort of a waste of time..." "Okay I'll talk..." Narae whispers, looking down. You reply "Why are you acting like I'm forcing you to do this...? You're the one who showed up uninvited. " "R-Right..." Narae says, smiling weakly. He shuffles his feet and breathes in deeply before continuing "It's just... If your actually considering becoming a villain then..." He trails off as he clinches his fist and looks up at you with a determination in his eyes you've never seen before. You can't help but fear of because it's unfamiliar yet feel extremely excited because something interesting is finally happening... But you're also extremely amused because he looks like he's having some kind of shounen monologue in his head. "You're not the main character Narae Takahashi..." You say in a deep whisper. You can't help but relish the way he shakes when you say his full name. You continue "But go ahead. Then what? What do you need to do if I am considering villainy...?" You prompt him into containing what he was going to say. Narae nods slowly, as if to himself more than you. "Then I'll have to go to principal Nezu to report you..." Narae says at last. A shame. You decide to lie. Getting arrested or put into some form of reformation program would be annoying and inconvenient. "Don't sorry Narae, I am not considering villainy." You lie. You continue on "I was joking earlier, I simply thought the note would be a funny prank. When I made up the boredom talk I didn't know you'd take it seriously, I apologise." You continue to lie. You haven't said a word of truth at all, yet he'll be none the wiser. "Oh... Okay..." Narae whispers to himself. And you smile a smile that could have many different meanings. "Is that all?" You ask him. "Yes.... That's all." He seems oddly sceptical as he replies... Yet you usher him out of your dorm. This could prove to be very interesting for sure. You close your door and lean against it with a smile. What happens next? Yarae
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