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These 7 strategies will help set your social agency apart from others and assist you to secure and scale home based business.
1. Analyze Your Clients’ Audiences
Analyzing each client’s audience might seem obvious. Gone are the days of pure qualitative research and good old intuition. In case you have access to data-driven insights, you ought to be leveraging them.
One thing to consider is the age of your clients’ target audiences. Actually, ’Sprout Socials Q1 2017 Social Index specifically went into information on how different generations leverage social and interacts with brands they value. Below will be an example of social networking preferences by generation.
If you’re unsure of the demographic makeup of your client you can easily find out with social media analytics software .
Another way to analyze your clients’ demographic audience has been social media listening < > . This can show you the demographics of not just your social media marketing followers, but of individuals on social media that are actively discussing your brand.
Not only can you find out the demographic makeup of your audience while using a social media tool, but you may also learn who your most engaged users are and who your brand is generally mentioned with a tool like Sprout’s Trends Report. This information is invaluable to analyze when trying to determine not only who follows you, but who engages with you.
That same report shows the topics you’re most frequently mentioned with and the hashtags most regularly used with your brand. Think through who might be using those topics when building your audience, and click round the hashtags to obtain a better understanding of who's sending messages using them.
If all else fails, ask your clients to set up some time with their most successful brands to be able to figure out what their audience makeup looks like. Social media marketing services in new york with a focus group to get more qualitative and anecdotal data on who their audience is, on or off social. Then use that information when pinning down your social audience.
2. Coordinate with Other Agencies
The world of agency marketing is incredibly competitive, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t collaborate with your peers. Agency marketers that team up and coordinate with other social agencies reap benefits over those that seclude themselves.
Your inter-agency team may be your best bet for optimizing your social media efforts since social is frequently the glue that holds disparate channel campaigns together. For instance, you might not be your client’s activation agency but by coordinating with whoever is, it is possible to develop a plan for capturing and repurposing user-generated content (UGC) from your own client’s events.
Let’s face it, your agency won’t be considered a perfect fit for every single client. Or perhaps you have a contact at a social media company whose specialty is strictly what you need to make your client’s social media strategy < > better. Or, by passing leads that you can’t undertake or that aren’t a good match to another agency you strengthen the relationship and chances they return the favor.
Looking for some agencies to synergy with? Check out the Sprout Social Agency Directory to get a few of the leading organizations in the area.
3. Join Partner Programs
The Sprout Social Agency Directory consists of companies that are part of our Agency Partner Program. What’s the Sprout Interpersonal APP, you ask?

’Sprout Socials Agency Partner Program , and other ’partner systems like HubSpots , offer exclusive benefits to help agencies scale their business. Some cool perks include:
1. Access to co-marketing opportunities with established brands
2. Hands-on training and custom reporting to make sure happy clients
3. Introductions to other agencies all over the world
4. Specific resources intended to help you succeed on social media marketing
Look around for all the programs relevant to yours and when it seems like a good fit, try to join!
4. Pull Social Data for Case Studies
To close a deal as you’re pitching a client, it’s essential that you showcase past successes. Fundamentally, start by featuring a list of clients on your own website, organized by name or vertical to make it easy to digest at an instant glance.
From there, build out case studies and customer videos, featuring as many of your top clients as possible. An effective case study tells the story of one's agency’s project with a client, highlights the challenges the client faced and your technique for addressing them, shows how your agency provided a tactical solution and shares data points around the outcomes of your efforts.
Keep in mind when creating case studies to include just as much data as possible. Your potential clients want to know the method that you helped others succeed and the results that came with that success. If you’re utilizing a social media tool it should be easy to pull information to show the way you improved a social presence month over month.
5. Co-Market with Other Companies or Agencies

If you have an “in” with a large company or agency, it could be a great opportunity to work with them on a piece of content that both organizations can promote for a mutually beneficial lift in reach.
Here at Sprout we always make it a point to work with our agency partners to generate joint content that we then tell our audiences.
Once we’ve co-created a piece of content with our agency partners, both organizations reach work promoting it.
6. Scale Content with Your Clients
Depending on the services your social agency offers, you might spend a good deal of your team’s time coordinating with your clients upon what you should and ought ton’t post to social channels. Stay ahead of your content calendar with one of these two strategies.
Get Pre-Approved Content in Bulk
If you can sit down with your clients and identify a cache of approved creative assets, it is possible to look for opportunities to repurpose that content when making a content material calendar This article can be housed within an Asset Library for quick access to appropriate imagery.
Give Clients Access to Your Social Tool for Approvals
If you’re using a social media tool, chances are you can invite your client stakeholders into your account so they can become section of your content publishing workflow.
7. Get Clients Into the Reports
Clients want to keep their finger on the pulse of what's happening with their social media campaigns and to have easy access to the info. Similar to getting your clients into your publishing workflows, you can provide them with direct access to social media reports by inviting them into your social press tool.

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