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It is now a showdown between Adbaldar, Nick and Kron versus The Anarchists. Everyone is now witnessing the biggest they’ve seen in Parasova Academy. Alexis starts off by attacking Nick and Kron. They dodge her attacks while Adbaldar tries to sneak attack her. Dalton goes after Adbaldar but Kron tackles him down and fights him. Nick starts to fight with Arkyle with his ninja skills. Meanwhile, Adbaldar faces off Alexis. “Alexis, you do not need to do this. You can end this by just leaving!” Adbaldar said. “I will never do that. I came here for exact vengeance, and I promise to take you all down,” says Alexis while trying to cast a spell on Adbaldar. They start to fight and all the students start to scatter around and find a place to hide. Ms. Angel-Smith, Kim & Jazmine now are running back to the main entrance where they find chaos happening right now. “Where are Cody and Tanner? We have to tell them about Alexis necklace!” says Jazmine. Tanner calls over the girls and Ms. Angel-Smith as he and Cody were hiding in the corner. They follow them into the corner wondering why they are hiding. “Why are you two hiding in the corner? You know can be helping them out there.” Says Kim. Ms. Angel-Smith said, “No, they need to be hiding from this kind of fight. No students should be involved.” “But what about Alexis necklace did you guys want to tell us.” Says Cody. Jazmine starts to explain the necklace “Okay, do you see the necklace that’s around her neck?” Everyone nods and she proceeds “Well, that necklace has Jakai’s soul inside, that’s the only reason why he is on her side. We have to find a way to destroy it and he can return back his normal state.” “How are we going to do that? She has many tricks up her sleeve; it’s impossible to get near her.” Says Cody. “We are going to have to distract her somehow. I suppose we create a plan.” Says Tanner. Ms. Angel-Smith becomes concerned and says, “I want you all to be careful and not get yourselves hurt.” They all nodded their heads and understood her. Cody suggested that he multiply himself and distract her around the room while Tanner shoots a lightning bolt from an angle that he sees Alexis necklace. Then, Jakai is restored back to normal and is back on there side. Everyone agreed with his plan and was surprised that Cody pulled that all together. Usually he would sit back and do nothing. Jazmine, Kim & Tanner all go to the hidden stairwell to go upstairs and find an angle point to break that necklace. Meanwhile, the fight is still going on in front of everyone. Adbaldar & Alexis are facing off in a magic battle. They both are casting a list of spells at each other. Alexis keeps casting dark lightning while Adbaldar keeps her shots and retaliates back with kinetic energy from his wand. “Give up yet old man? This is all practice to me, I can take you all day.” Says Alexis. “You’re all talk for a girl that got all her tricks from her master. Remember who taught you little witch because I can school you real quick.” Says Adbaldar. Alexis shoots energy from her wand and misses Adbaldar. Kron and Dalton are both big and strong fighting guys who are colliding into the walls and into the ground. They are throwing each other around and it gets messy and dangerous. All of the kids scatter around the school to run from the dangerous battle. Dalton tries to eat Denver but Kron saved her by punching Dalton in the face and he flew out of the school. Master Nick is fighting off both Brianna and Arkyle. Brianna is not good at combat that much as Alexis. Therefore, she is getting beat up by Master Nick ninja like skills and keeps getting knocked down. Arkyle summons snakes from his arms to choke Nick. He is in a chokehold gasping her air until he slices the snake with his sai. Arkyle pulls out his staff and fights him in hand-to-hand combat. Ms. Angel-Smith helps escort students to safety away from the fight, as it gets intense. It’s getting crazy where some of the walls are cracking and some of the stuff inside the school is getting damaged. Risking the kids’ safety. She sees Cody in the corner ready for Tanner to start their plan. Ms. Angel-Smith flies over to Cody and tells him to be careful when out there while they fight. Cody understood and told her “Everything with be alright Ms. A-Smith, I promise we will get Jakai back.” She smiled and kissed him on his forehead then flew back to help the students. Tanner, Jazmine and Kim get to the upper level and look over and see the intense battle that is happening. “Oh my, they’re fighting like crazy Vikings. This is getting out of control.” Says Jazmine. “It is, I’m afraid one of them might blast at where we are at.” Says Tanner. Kim says, “Guys, lets focus on how we are going to break her necklace.” Tanner explains that he will give Cody a signal to start multiplying and he will run out and start to distract Alexis while he is up there and take a clear shot at her necklace that is showing right now. “Do you think this will work?” asked Jazmine. “It should but we only have one shot so its now or never.” Says Tanner. He gives Cody the signal from up above. He’s running out and starts to multiply into many clones of himself. Master Nick sees Cody and yells out “Cody! What the hell are you doing out here, go hide for safety!” Cody says, “No Master! I got this, you’ll see what I’m about to do!” Adbaldar also is scared that Cody is out here “Cody, leave! This is not your fight, you will get killed!” Alexis strikes at Cody but it wasn’t the real him. “How many of these brats are in here!” screams Alexis. “Why do you care? You’re about to go down.” Says Cody. All of Cody’s clones start to distract Alexis by jumping around her and pushing her around. She starts to get irritated and uses her magic to attack them. “Wow! It’s really working, he is making her so mad!” Kim said. “Now, all I have to do get a clear shot of her necklace and he will be free.” Says Tanner. Adbaldar stopped fighting and saw from above the rest of the kids that were trying to help out and fight the Anarchists. He smiles at them and then at Nick. He doesn’t know why Adbaldar is smiling at him and asks him. “Nick, just look up.” Says Adbaldar. He looks up and sees his students helping out. He is very proud and winks at all three of them. Jazmine, Kim and Tanner smile at them back and are ready to help them out. Arkyle then tries to sneak attack Nick but fails when he encounters his attack. Alexis tells Jakai to attack some of the clones that are surrounding her. He then jumps from his spot and starts to attack the clones. Alexis starts her evil laugh and is enjoying that Jakai is listening to her. “Ok Tanner, its time to get Jakai lets go.” Says Kim. Tanner nodded and then got on one knee and starts to focus and analyze a clear shot on her neck with his glasses. Meanwhile, Brianna looks up and sees her sister Jazmine with her two friends and says, “Oh, they are going to attack Alexis! Not on my watch!” She uses her magic to shake the pathway that they are on and it looks like it’s about fall. It’s shaking and makes the girls nervous. “How do they know that we are up here, we were quiet this whole time!” says Jazmine. Brianna levitates up to the pathway, landing while giggling. Jazmine has a scared look on her face; she is terrified of her sister Brianna. She used to bully poor Jazmine just because she was younger than Brianna. She lands and says “Well, hello baby sister. I know you missed this pretty face.” Kim moves Jazmine out the way and blasts a force field so powerful that she blows Brianna off the pathway the entire library where she is crashing into the walls until she gets inside the library. Kim then says to herself “Bye Witch.” Tanner can now focus back on Alexis. “She keeps moving, I can’t get a clear shot!” says Tanner. “We can’t call Cody down, it’s going to blow our cover.” Says Jazmine. Kim then thought of an idea to use her telekinesis to slow down Alexis and then Tanner can break the necklace right there. Jakai still is attacking the clone but then faces off the real Cody. Cody tries to fight off Jakai but he is stronger than him and gets knocked down every time by Jakai. “Jakai, it’s me. You got to snap out of it dude! I’ll let you win this battle it doesn’t have to be that serious.” Says Cody. Then, Jakai grabs him by the throat and slams him down on the ground. Adbaldar is scared and runs after to help Cody. But, Alexis casts a spell at Adbaldar and he bounces back at her. He is forced to fight back with her. Cody said, “Ok Kim, I need your help. They look like they are losing!” Kim uses her telekinesis to slow down Alexis and it is working. Alexis moves in slow motion and doesn’t know what is going on. Then, it is now time for Tanner to aim for her necklace and it looks like it is a clear shot. So it is! The lightning bolt breaks the necklace. Alexis is in rage that Tanner broke her necklace. Now Jakai returns to his normal state. He now can be his normal self now. He was confused and didn’t know how he got to where he was “Whoa, where am I?” He realizes he is kneeing on Cody’s chest and helps him up “Dude, are you good! How did I get here man?” “It’s a long story, but I’m glad you’re back.” Says Cody. Tanner, Kim and Jazmine are happy that Jakai is back and that they can go and hug him. They all call his name from above and he waves at him didn’t realize how much he missed his friends. He sees Adbaldar says he missed his old man. Than he gave him that look that Jakai doesn’t like. Master Nick is happy to also have back, even Ms. Angel-Smith. Alexis is furious and starts to drag down the pathway that the kids were on that causes them all to fall down. Jazmine saves them by painting out a trampoline to save them all from hurting themselves. Alexis runs off and Kim runs after her. Jakai calls Kim name out and starts to follow her. But, Dalton returns and attacks Jakai. Now, it is Dalton, Arkyle and Brianna against Jazmine, Tanner, Cody, Jakai, Adbaldar and Nick. Kim runs after Alexis but doesn’t know where she went. She yells her name out over and didn’t get any response. Then, she runs down a hall, and sees there was a door open. Kim runs down there and sees the door leads to another passage way upstairs to the outside. When Kim gets up to the top, she sees Alexis standing looking out at the gloomy skies that is over Parasova right now. Kim calls her out “Hey! What is your deal! Why do you want to kill us so bad! We didn’t nothing to you, you are a bitter woman!” “Little girl, this doesn’t concern you and I don’t know why you and your little friends want to get involve in this fight but trust me. This is one fight you don’t want to pick with me.” Says Alexis. “You don’t intimidate me Alexis. Nothing about you does. Your beauty might fool people but it doesn’t fool me. You’re nothing but a pretty face with worthless powers. It doesn’t match up to mine, you don’t stand a chance against me.” Says Kim. “Listen you ugly waste of life. I am the most superior witch to ever walk. If I were you, I would shut the hell up and get out of my face. You could possibly turn you a slight bit attractive and maybe that little boy Jakai can find you cute. Is this why you’re so upset with me, because was the better option and you weren’t?” asked Alexis. She tries to get into Kim’s head. “What’s the matter? Was Janelle too much of a competition for you? Were you afraid Jakai wouldn’t like your ugly horse face? Trust me sweetheart, nothing is cute about a girl who has a donkey face.” Says Alexis. Kim gets angry and blasts her with her force field. “How about you stop talking trash and fight me if you are the most superior witch to walk. Bring Alexis, show me that you’re more than just a pretty face.” Says Kim. Alexis looks back at her with a sinister look and says “You sure you want to pick a fight with me?” Kim nods and Alexis laughs hysterically. “Well, prepare to say your last goodbyes to life because it’s going to end today roach!” Alexis pulls out her wand and gets ready to start up a spell. Kim’s eyes start to glow and build up another force field. It is now a battle on top of Parasova Academy between two females that are unstoppable forces. Alexis starts off by casting a spell, Kim is now ready to fight
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