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Is Your Ruay Supposed To Be You?
Ruyen, the Ruay (pronounced: "ray") is the symbol of love. This is a symbol of harmony in marriage and this is the reason why Feng Shui gives prominence to this element. The Ruay has the power to harmonize and balance all things in a marriage. In fact, one who reaches the Ruay is believed to have reached enlightenment. They are also believed to be the protectors of the marriage.

For a long time in my family, the Ruay has always carried a very strong significance. My parents told me that their Ruay was not only their guide to safety but also their symbol of love. They made me promise never to hurt him/her. I never did.

ruay รวย As a child, my Ruay always attended the Feng Shui ceremony with the rest of the family. This was one of the most sacred rituals in our religion. Even today, whenever anyone from our family gets married, the ceremony is accompanied by this ritual.

The Ruay is meant to be the guiding principle for all Ruay. When there is no balance or harmony in anything, it is caused by the Ruay being out of balance or missing the equilibrium. And since balance is what we strive for in a marriage, we always try to bring Ruay back to its original state. The only way to do this is to be our partner's friend, be there for them when they need and be the same as them.

We must not forget the importance of the Ruay in our life. Feng Shui teaches us that the Ruay is supposed to guide and protect us, so we must honor it at all times. Our homes should be an extension of our Ruay. We should decorate it just like our Ruay room. In fact, if you are not too happy with the Ruay room inside, change it with your favorite color theme.

I believe one way to make a Ruay room more comfortable for me is to decorate it in colors that correspond with my mood or situation. If I am stressed, I would most likely choose a dark and relaxing color theme. If I am feeling joyful and relaxed, a little bit of lightness and color would be perfect for me. There is no right or wrong color, it's simply a matter of personal preference.

Let your Ruay take care of you. Your Ruay will know everything about you, your needs, your likes and dislikes, and your budget. When you give your Ruay those kind of personal details, it will take care of you. It will also remind you often of you and your love.

The next time you want to be happier, angry, or sad, just look at your Ruay. See how it is communicating to you. Is it giving you any commands, hints, advice, or thoughts? If so, then maybe you need to communicate to your Ruay more, listen more, and pay more attention. In fact, you must learn to be more responsive to your Ruay.

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