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xDJKittyMonsterx: yes we was
MakeYouW3t: ok ty now i can prove my innocence b4 blocking them
xDJKittyMonsterx: 3 weeks ago
xDJKittyMonsterx: he even followed me to rooms
MakeYouW3t: he said me n u was together 2 weeks ago lol
xDJKittyMonsterx: i wish
xDJKittyMonsterx: why the hug
xDJKittyMonsterx: u dont like me
MakeYouW3t: i do like u
xDJKittyMonsterx: i love u
xDJKittyMonsterx: but ive lost uxDJKittyMonsterx: i was going to date him
MakeYouW3t: no way im goin back after all them jumpin me for tryin to protect
xDJKittyMonsterx: but he never would change his card
MakeYouW3t: so why did u say u was n have his name on ur card n u n him in ur pic
xDJKittyMonsterx: and my aunt deb saw his name on my card and came to me and told me she was dating him also and he was married
xDJKittyMonsterx: so i kick his azz to the curb and blocked him
MakeYouW3t: ok ty so u was with him
xDJKittyMonsterx: we was going to date
xDJKittyMonsterx: he asked me
MakeYouW3t: i just need to prove my innocence b4 i block em
xDJKittyMonsterx: but he wouldnt change his card
MakeYouW3t: but he was dating ur aunt deb whilst married
xDJKittyMonsterx: if he cant change his card somethings wrong
xDJKittyMonsterxxDJKittyMonsterx : yes'
xDJKittyMonsterxxDJKittyMonsterx : his card said married
xDJKittyMonsterxxDJKittyMonsterx : then single then married
MakeYouW3tMakeYouW3t : and u did tell me u was dating him riMakeYouW3t: u said u dated him n thats what i told them
MakeYouW3t: n u said he was nasty n a bad person n i was trying to tell them
MakeYouW3t: he pulled jenny
xDJKittyMonsterx: ok so
MakeYouW3t: he poofed 1st n then come back n pulled her
xDJKittyMonsterx: he said jenny wanted him
MakeYouW3t: no he said i was with jenny
MakeYouW3t: after u
xDJKittyMonsterx: she wouldnt leave him alone
xDJKittyMonsterx: lolol
xDJKittyMonsterx: baby get away from them
xDJKittyMonsterxxDJKittyMonsterx : u im it as much as i was
xDJKittyMonsterx: hes a dick
MakeYouW3t: i just need you to say wether u was with him orr not
xDJKittyMonsterx: and uses women
MakeYouW3t: oh im out
xDJKittyMonsterx: a player
MakeYouW3t: i just want to prove my innocence
xDJKittyMonsterx: i hope it works for u and your gf
MakeYouW3t: did u date him yes or no
MakeYouW3t: she aint my gf im out of that
xDJKittyMonsterx: look'MakeYouW3t: i dont care about them i was just trying to be friendly coz the girl i was gettin with was her mom who was marryin badboy
xDJKittyMonsterx: im to sick for this
xDJKittyMonsterx: so u have someone
MakeYouW3t: n i just didn't want him doing to them what he did to you
MakeYouW3t: no i dont i said trying
MakeYouW3t: but badboy ruined that coz he a lyin fuck
xDJKittyMonsterx: so is this all u wanted to know
xDJKittyMonsterx: so u can copy it and show them
MakeYouW3t: no i just wtd to show them im not a liar coz ur ex daughter even said ya's didn't
xDJKittyMonsterx: thats all u wanted me for
xDJKittyMonsterx: i came on here for this bull shit
MakeYouW3t: no u come on here to help someone prove he aint a liar
MakeYouW3t: but u dont want to help me then fine dont
xDJKittyMonsterx: help u save yourself for your gf
MakeYouW3tMakeYouW3t : no to prove im not a liar
MakeYouW3t: i would do it for you
xDJKittyMonsterx: how
xDJKittyMonsterx: get my aunt deb he was dating her
MakeYouW3t: u said u dated him n thats

right ? MakeYouW3t: i didn't even know who jenny was till tonight
MakeYouW3t: i never dated jenny
xDJKittyMonsterx: oh okk
MakeYouW3t: i dated u i was denying that
xDJKittyMonsterx: im sorry why are u in it
MakeYouW3t: but u told me u dated him n wat he was like so i was trying to tell them about him
xDJKittyMonsterx: i dont understand why all the fighting
xDJKittyMonsterx: they know
xDJKittyMonsterx: mom bori told them
MakeYouW3t: who knows wat ?
xDJKittyMonsterx: its all bullshit
xDJKittyMonsterx: look im sick as ell
xDJKittyMonsterx: hell
xDJKittyMonsterx: i dont feel good
xDJKittyMonsterx: and could care less about him
xDJKittyMonsterx: im sorry u going through that
xDJKittyMonsterx: but u better off not knowing them too
xDJKittyMonsterx: im not fighting with anyone anymore gary
xDJKittyMonsterx: either love me or leave mexDJKittyMonsterx has joined the chat
xDJKittyMonsterx: look badboy was trying to date me my aunt deb and is maRRIED
MakeYouW3t: but u had his name on ur card n u said u was
xDJKittyMonsterx: I DID HE LIED
xDJKittyMonsterx: and my aunt deb
xDJKittyMonsterx: msg me
xDJKittyMonsterx: i will bring her in if u want
MakeYouW3t: so u did date him
xDJKittyMonsterx: i was going to
xDJKittyMonsterx: but he never would change his card
MakeYouW3t: no i just need you to say that u did coz u told me u did
xDJKittyMonsterx: but we never really did
xDJKittyMonsterx: he was too fishy acting
MakeYouW3t: ive been booted n blocked coz he said i dated you n then jennythurston n then others in thundersdome
xDJKittyMonsterx: huh
MakeYouW3t: exactly
xDJKittyMonsterx: he said jenny wanted him
xDJKittyMonsterx: they was all lying
MakeYouW3t: no he said i dated u then jenny
xDJKittyMonsterx: i didnt believe him
xDJKittyMonsterx: u did
MakeYouW3t: i did
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